Off-Campus Accommodations
UD offers many learning opportunities that occur off campus or at remote sites. If you are a UD student participating in programs off campus, you may still apply for accommodations through the Office of Learning Resources.
Click on the headings for more information about different off-campus situations.
OLR recognizes that internships, practicum and student teaching offer an important learning environment for students. In many cases, you and the faculty or site coordinator can work together to address general accommodations. As appropriate, OLR would be happy to assist you or faculty in the process of determining appropriate accommodations for this learning environment. It is recommended that planning begin one term prior to your scheduled experience.
If you are a student who needs accommodations for a disability or medical condition while attending University of Dayton academic programs at remote sites, you can contact the Office of Learning Resources (OLR) at the University of Dayton and have a meeting over the phone to discuss reasonable accommodations.
UD currently has exchange programs available for students to study in several foreign countries. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to plan early for these opportunities.
- It is important to note that programs which are supported by University of Dayton, like Study Abroad, may also be appropriate for approved academic accommodations.
- Not all programs affiliated with Study Abroad are experienced in providing reasonable accommodations. In many cases, accommodations do not apply to these countries as they are not covered by the United Stated mandated legislation nor do they have similar legislation in their country.
- Students are encouraged to communicate with OLR early about their plans to study abroad so that we can discuss potential methods to address reasonable accommodations.