Drivers should only drive 6 hours (with 15 minute breaks every 3 hours) or 400 miles total (whichever is greatest) in one day.
Drivers should work (coaching/driving, etc.) no more than 13 hours during any day.
All drivers must be certified by the University of Dayton Environmental Health & Safety/Risk Management Department.
All equipment/cargo must be stored completely under the seats and/or behind the back seat (may not block drivers view), or be belted in a seat (farthest from the door possible). There must be nothing under the passenger’s feet, in front of the door, or otherwise blocking the access to, or exit from the van. Passengers must be able to exit, and emergency personnel must be able to access, the van quickly in case of emergency.
An awake, alert person must occupy the passenger seat of any van during any trip over four hours, when travel is done in the dark, or when needed to help the driver to navigate and stay alert.
Every passenger and driver must wear a properly adjusted seat belt any time the van is moving and/or in traffic. (This includes any sleeping passengers.)
Drivers must obey all motor vehicle laws, including posted speed limits.
There must be two certified/eligible drivers on any trip over 4 hours.
Driving between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. should be limited.
Travel should not begin, or should be suspended if the National Weather Service has issued a travelers advisory, or the weather forecast calls for severe weather for any part of the trip.
Travel will not begin, or will be suspended if the van is in need of repair.
When more than one vehicle is used to transport to and from events (at the same time) they should travel together.
A cell phone should be available to drivers on trips greater than 25 miles. Cell phones should not be used when the vehicle is in traffic or in motion.
Large passenger vans can transport a maximum of 12 people including the driver regardless of the number of seats available in the van.