Reporting Process
Reporting Process
While the Privately Speaking Line is administered by EthicsPoint (third party service provider), the reports are handled by the University of Dayton. A process has been designed to receive reports (your concerns) from EthicsPoint anonymously and handle internally with the highest degree of confidentiality. We hope that by providing this transparency in our process, you will have a better understanding of how and who handles your concerns which will help you be comfortable in contacting us.
When you are ready to file your report, you can call 1-855-550-0654 or file online at Privately Speaking Line.
Process Overview
- All calls and online submissions (i.e., reports) are received directly by EthicsPoint personnel (third party service provider) to ensure confidentiality.
- All reports are submitted in written format to the University through EthicsPoint anonymously.
- The VP & General Counsel for Legal Affairs and Internal Audit (IA) Executive Director receive notifications (from EthicsPoint) that a report has been received.
- The IA Executive Director is responsible for distributing reports to other members of the Privately Speaking Line (PSL) Committee within two business days of receipt.
- Reports are reviewed by the PSL Committee to ensure appropriate and timely investigation and actions.
- Committee members include EVPFAS, IA Executive Director, and representatives from Legal Affairs, Human Resources, Provost's Office, and ARC.
- Disclosure to the Committee is limited in any case of potential conflict.
- Reports are held to the highest degree of confidentiality.
- Closure is documented via a report to the Committee; updates and/or closing commentary is entered in the EthicsPoint system for the reporter to view.
- Reports are summarized and presented to the Audit and Risk Committee of the Board of Trustees.