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Red Dots

Recognizing Red Dots

A red dot is a single moment in time where someone’s choices, actions, words, or behaviors contribute to or tolerate violence in any way.  A red dot on our University of Dayton campus map is the 3 seconds it takes for someone to raise their hand and strike their partner.  One red dot is the choice someone makes to have sex with someone else without their consent.  Another red dot is the 2 minutes it takes for someone to use their words to threaten, intimidate, frighten, or coerce.  No one knows exactly how many red dots there are at UD.  But we do know this: there are too many. 

The following definitions all represent red dots on our campus map:

Power Based Personal Violence: a form of violence that has as a primary motivator the assertion of power, control, and/or intimidation in order to harm another.  This includes partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, and other uses of force, threat, intimidation, or harassment of an individual.  It also includes the use of alcohol or drugs to commit any of these acts.  These acts are inclusive of acts committed by strangers, friends, acquaintances, intimates, or other persons.

Sexual Violence: Any sexual contact that lacks consent and/or capacity to give consent

Partner Violence: Physical, sexual, or psychological harm, or threat of harm, by a current or former partner

Stalking: Course of conduct targeted at an individual or group that would cause a reasonable person to feel afraid (following, obsessive Facebooking, texting, calling, unwanted letters, gifts, etc)

If you or a friend have experienced a red dot and are looking for resources, please check out some of your options below: 

  • UD Counseling Center, 937-229-3141
  • UD Health Center, 937-229-3131
  • UD Campus Ministry, 937-229-3369
  • Dean of Students Office, 937-229-1212
  • Kristen Altenau Keen, Assistant Dean of Students for Education, Support, and Student Empowerment,
  • Miami Valley Hospital, 937-208-8000
  • Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), 1-800-656-HOPE

The Brook Center
