Welcome - Green Dot
Ending Violence... One Green Dot at a Time
A green dot is any choice, behavior, word or attitude that promotes safety for everyone and communicates utter intolerance for power based personal violence in our University of Dayton community. A green dot is anything you do to make our community safer.
No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.
Why Green Dot?
Stalking, sexual violence, and intimate partner violence happen all too often on college campuses. We are all familair with the statistics- 1 in 5, 1 in 3, 1 in 4. But you have the power to change those numbers. WE have the power to make a difference. This is is your time. Get involved. Make a difference. What's your Green Dot?
A green dot is any choice, behavior, word or attitude that promotes safety for everyone and communicates utter intolerance for power based personal violence in our University of Dayton community. A green dot is anything you do to make our community safer. Green dots can be PROACTIVE or REACTIVE.
A red dot is a single decision, and enough of those have added up to create a culture that allows unacceptable rates of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. While we can’t know exactly how many red dots happen on any given day, we do know that there are enough that they add up to a bigger issue both at our college and at other institutions around the country.
If red dots are the problem, green dots are the solution. A green dot is a behavior someone can do to stop a red dot from happening or progressing and/or to strengthen positive campus norms.
The goal is simple, when there are more green dots than red, the culture can shift, and rates of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking can be reduced.
Training Opportunities
Ready to take the next step? Join the Green Dot movement today!
We know violence happens. We know that it's hard to step in and stop it. But there is hope. We now how to stop it. We know what works and what doesn't. Give us a few hours. When participating in a Green Dot training, we will come together as a community to identify what warning signs to look for, how to circumvent barriers, and how our community can stand together to proclaim that violence is not tolerated at the University of Dayton.
2025 Training Opportunities coming soon!
Live the Green Dot
Green Dot Resources for Faculty, Staff and Students. Ready to join the movement? Join an upcoming Green Dot training!
No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.
If you or someone you know has experienced a Red Dot, you have resources. Explore Reporting and Confidential Resources here.
Ready to live the Green Dot? Explore Green Dot trainings and watch to see how you can embody the Green Dot!
Green Dot for Faculty
How faculty can build safe classrooms where violence is not tolerated and students are free to explore the topic of interpersonal violence.
Green Dot Syllabus Statements
Communicate that UD does not tolerate violence!
Green Dot in the Classroom
Assignment and Workshop suggestions to bring Green Dot into the classroom.
Green Dot for Administrators
Meeting students where they are. How staff and administrators can build a violence-free UD.