Select University Faculty Committees
The Faculty Board serves as the representative body of an association of all faculty at the University of Dayton on all matters of interest to faculty. Specific functions are outlined in the Faculty Board Constitution.
Chair: Joel Pruce (POL)
Vice Chair:
Secretary: Janet Bednarek (HST)
As the final faculty organization of adjudication in cases involving tenure, dismissal or academic freedom, the Faculty Hearing Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure deals with matters in Sections 4, 5,and 10 of the University of Dayton Regulations on Academic Freedom and Tenure and shall act according to the procedures described therein.
Chair: Neomi DeAnda (REL)
Secretary: Julius Amin (HST)
This Committee addresses itself to problems other than those of tenure, dismissal, or academic freedom. It is concerned with improprieties of conduct other than sexual harassment and with issues such as salaries, assignment of space or other facilities, and assignment of teaching duties. It shall follow the procedures detailed in University of Dayton Regulations on Academic Freedom and Tenure. The existence of this University-wide Faculty Committee on Grievances does not preclude the formation of faculty grievance committees at lower levels of organization.
Chair: Wiebke Diestelkamp (MTH)
Secretary: Becky Blust (GMT)
The University Committee will review and approve the promotion and tenure policies of all units for consistency with University policies and procedure. The Committee will annually review the promotion and tenure process for adherence to appropriate procedures and present a report to the Chairperson of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees and the President of the Academic Senate. The President of the Academic Senate will annually present this report to the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate.
Chair: Colleen Gallagher (SEHS)
Secretary: Philip Appiah-Kubi (SOE)
The University Professional Faculty Promotion Committee will review the promotion policies for lecturers for all units to check for consistency with University policies and procedure. If any procedural inconsistencies exist those inconsistencies will be submitted to the Academic Senate for resolution.
Co-chair - James Obermeyer (SOE)
Co-chair - Courtney Stangel (ACC)
Secretary - None