The Juggler of Notre Dame
Stained-glass Artwork Depicts the Medieval Juggler Story
The Juggler of Notre Dame, also known as Our Lady’s Tumbler or Le Jongleur de Notre Dame, is a medieval story from the 12th century that has inspired films, operas and several children’s books. A humble juggler who joins a monastery struggles to find a gift worthy to present to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Using his talent for juggling, he delivers a heartfelt performance in front of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s statue. Through a miracle, Mary comes to life and applauds his true devotion.
Stained-glass artist Jeffrey Miller collaborated with artist Sarah Navasse — his daughter — and master craftsman Jeremy Bourdois on this stained-glass window commissioned by Harvard University medieval Latin professor Jan Ziolkowski for the 2018-19 exhibit Juggling the Middle Ages at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection in Washington, D.C. Miller is renowned for his application of traditional techniques of constructing and restoring stained-glass windows such as those found in cathedrals across Europe.
At Home at UD
The window is now part of the permanent collection of the Marian Library at the University of Dayton. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection donated the window in 2022 for the Marian Library’s Juggling for Mary Christmas exhibit. It will soon be on loan to the Roger Glass Center for the Arts, where it reflects UD's Marianist identity and its academic commitment to visual and performing arts.
More About the Juggler Story
Ziolkowski has written extensively about the Juggler story, which started as a French poem. In his six-volume work The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity, Ziolkowski tracks the poem from its medieval roots to its rediscovery in late 19th-century Paris before its translation into English in Britain and the United States. The books are available in eCommons, UD’s open-access institutional repository: