Historical Timeline
It Started with One Book
Learn more about the history of the Marian Library with this timeline of notable events.

Oct. 20, 1943
Oct. 20, 1943: The first title in the Marian Library: "Devotion to Mary in the 20th Century," written in 1940 by Father John A. Elbert, S.M., president of the University of Dayton.
Oct. 20, 1943

Oct. 20, 1943: The first title in the Marian Library: "Devotion to Mary in the 20th Century," written in 1940 by Father John A. Elbert, S.M., president of the University of Dayton.

Oct. 20, 1943
Oct. 20, 1943: Father John A. Elbert, S.M., right, founds the Marian Library and appoints Father Lawrence Monheim, S.M., left, its first director; here, Elbert contributes a book he wrote, "Devotion to Mary in the 20th Century," to Monheim to start the collection.
Oct. 20, 1943

Oct. 20, 1943: Father John A. Elbert, S.M., right, founds the Marian Library and appoints Father Lawrence Monheim, S.M., left, its first director; here, Elbert contributes a book he wrote, "Devotion to Mary in the 20th Century," to Monheim to start the collection.

October, 1944
October 1944: The Marian Library publishes the first issue of the "Marian Library Newsletter."
October, 1944

October 1944: The Marian Library publishes the first issue of the "Marian Library Newsletter."

1944-49: Father Edmund Baumeister, S.M., is director of the Marian Library.

1944-49: Father Edmund Baumeister, S.M., is director of the Marian Library.

April, 1945
April 1945: The Marian Library publishes its first Marian booklist.
April, 1945

April 1945: The Marian Library publishes its first Marian booklist.

1949-54: Father Lawrence Monheim, S.M., serves a second term as director.

1949-54: Father Lawrence Monheim, S.M., serves a second term as director.

1949: The Marian Library introduces its motto and seal.

1949: The Marian Library introduces its motto and seal.

1951: A woodcarver in Oberammergau, Germany, creates the statue that would become known as “Our Lady of the Marian Library.”

1951: A woodcarver in Oberammergau, Germany, creates the statue that would become known as “Our Lady of the Marian Library.”

June 10, 1953
June 10, 1953: The Marian Library honors Bishop Fulton J. Sheen with the first Marian Library Medal for his book "The World’s First Love: Mary, the Mother of God" (1952).
June 10, 1953

June 10, 1953: The Marian Library honors Bishop Fulton J. Sheen with the first Marian Library Medal for his book "The World’s First Love: Mary, the Mother of God" (1952).

1953-64: The Marian Library holds its Marian Institute workshops and Summer Mariological Institutes at the University of Dayton.

1953-64: The Marian Library holds its Marian Institute workshops and Summer Mariological Institutes at the University of Dayton.

1954: The Marian Library acquires the Léon Clugnet Collection — more than 8,000 rare volumes, many of them about Marian shrines; the collection includes items from the mid-16th century through 1918.

1954: The Marian Library acquires the Léon Clugnet Collection — more than 8,000 rare volumes, many of them about Marian shrines; the collection includes items from the mid-16th century through 1918.

1954-67: Father Philip Hoelle, S.M., serves as director of the Marian Library and editor of "The Marianist" magazine.

1954-67: Father Philip Hoelle, S.M., serves as director of the Marian Library and editor of "The Marianist" magazine.

1955-67: The Marian Library publishes the popular Catholic periodical "The Marianist," later named "Mary Today."

1955-67: The Marian Library publishes the popular Catholic periodical "The Marianist," later named "Mary Today."

1959: Marian Library volunteer Mildred Sutton takes leadership of the Marian newspaper and magazine clippings file and grows it over time into a collection of 70,000 items.

1959: Marian Library volunteer Mildred Sutton takes leadership of the Marian newspaper and magazine clippings file and grows it over time into a collection of 70,000 items.

1960-2011: Brother William Fackovec, S.M., serves the Marian Library as a librarian, cataloger and chief research consultant. In 2006, the Marian Library honors him with the Marian Library Medal.

1960-2011: Brother William Fackovec, S.M., serves the Marian Library as a librarian, cataloger and chief research consultant. In 2006, the Marian Library honors him with the Marian Library Medal.

1962: The Marian Library becomes a part of the University of Dayton Libraries.

1962: The Marian Library becomes a part of the University of Dayton Libraries.

1965: The Marian Library moves into its new space in Albert Emanuel Hall.

1965: The Marian Library moves into its new space in Albert Emanuel Hall.

1967-69: Father Robert Maloy, S.M., right, serves as acting director; he succeeds Father Philip Hoelle, S.M., left.

1967-69: Father Robert Maloy, S.M., right, serves as acting director; he succeeds Father Philip Hoelle, S.M., left.

1969-87: Father Theodore Koehler, S.M., serves as director of the Marian Library.

1969-87: Father Theodore Koehler, S.M., serves as director of the Marian Library.

1969: The Marian Library publishes the first edition of "Marian Library Studies."

1969: The Marian Library publishes the first edition of "Marian Library Studies."

December, 1970
December 1970: The Marian Library moves to the seventh floor of the newly constructed Roesch Library.
December, 1970

December 1970: The Marian Library moves to the seventh floor of the newly constructed Roesch Library.

1975: Father Theodore Koehler, S.M., director, founds the Marian Library Institute, which later becomes the International Marian Research Institute.

1975: Father Theodore Koehler, S.M., director, founds the Marian Library Institute, which later becomes the International Marian Research Institute.

1979: The Mariological Society of America (MSA) moves its headquarters to the Marian Library. The Marian Library becomes the publisher of the society’s journal, "Marian Studies."

1979: The Mariological Society of America (MSA) moves its headquarters to the Marian Library. The Marian Library becomes the publisher of the society’s journal, "Marian Studies."

Circa 1982
Circa 1982: Marian Library director and IMRI professor Father Theodore Koehler, S.M., and renowned theologian, professor and Marian scholar Father René Laurentin, second and third from left in the back row, with IMRI students.
Circa 1982

Circa 1982: Marian Library director and IMRI professor Father Theodore Koehler, S.M., and renowned theologian, professor and Marian scholar Father René Laurentin, second and third from left in the back row, with IMRI students.

1987-2015: Father Thomas Thompson, S.M., serves as director of the Marian Library.

1987-2015: Father Thomas Thompson, S.M., serves as director of the Marian Library.

1987-2009: Father Johann Roten, S.M., is director of IMRI; in 2009, Roten is appointed director of research and special projects.

1987-2009: Father Johann Roten, S.M., is director of IMRI; in 2009, Roten is appointed director of research and special projects.

1988: The Marian Library Gallery opens. The inaugural exhibit is a selection of art from the Marian Library’s collection.

1988: The Marian Library Gallery opens. The inaugural exhibit is a selection of art from the Marian Library’s collection.

1988: The Marian stamp collection begins with the donation of an extensive collection from Brother Eugene Claret, S.M.

1988: The Marian stamp collection begins with the donation of an extensive collection from Brother Eugene Claret, S.M.

1993: Father Johann Roten, S.M., begins writing the Art and Spirituality book series, which reflects on Marian art.

1993: Father Johann Roten, S.M., begins writing the Art and Spirituality book series, which reflects on Marian art.

1994: The Marian Library launches The Mary Page, now known as All About Mary.

1994: The Marian Library launches The Mary Page, now known as All About Mary.

1997: The Marian Library begins displaying crèches from its growing collection.

1997: The Marian Library begins displaying crèches from its growing collection.

2000: Commissioned by the Marian Library in 1996, “Mirror of Hope,” a 12-foot-wide, 5-foot-tall structure featuring 200 clay figures depicting 22 events in the history of salvation, is placed on year-round display.

2000: Commissioned by the Marian Library in 1996, “Mirror of Hope,” a 12-foot-wide, 5-foot-tall structure featuring 200 clay figures depicting 22 events in the history of salvation, is placed on year-round display.

2007: The Marian Library receives the Elisabeth van Mullekom-Cserep crèche collection from Australia. It adds more than 2,000 Nativity scenes to the library’s existing collection.

2007: The Marian Library receives the Elisabeth van Mullekom-Cserep crèche collection from Australia. It adds more than 2,000 Nativity scenes to the library’s existing collection.

2009: University of Dayton Libraries host At the Manger: World Nativity Traditions, an open house and exhibit of the Marian Library Crèche Collection. It becomes an annual event.

2009: University of Dayton Libraries host At the Manger: World Nativity Traditions, an open house and exhibit of the Marian Library Crèche Collection. It becomes an annual event.

2009-16: Father François Rossier, S.M., serves as executive director of the Marian Library/IMRI.

2009-16: Father François Rossier, S.M., serves as executive director of the Marian Library/IMRI.

2010: The Marian Library dedicates the Brother William Fackovec, S.M., Rare Book Collection in celebration of his 50 years of service to the library.

2010: The Marian Library dedicates the Brother William Fackovec, S.M., Rare Book Collection in celebration of his 50 years of service to the library.

2013: The Marian Library receives the John S. Stokes and Mary’s Gardens Collection from the family of the late John Stokes, co-founder of the Mary’s Gardens organization.

2013: The Marian Library receives the John S. Stokes and Mary’s Gardens Collection from the family of the late John Stokes, co-founder of the Mary’s Gardens organization.

2016: Sarah Burke Cahalan is appointed director of the Marian Library.

2016: Sarah Burke Cahalan is appointed director of the Marian Library.

2016: The Marian Library completes its collection of the seven-volume "Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition."

2016: The Marian Library completes its collection of the seven-volume "Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition."

2016-17: The Marian Library expands to the third floor of Roesch Library and moves its rare books and archival collections there to provide researchers and others with greater access.

2016-17: The Marian Library expands to the third floor of Roesch Library and moves its rare books and archival collections there to provide researchers and others with greater access.

2018: The Marian Library had a year-long celebration to commemorate its 75th anniversary. Events included collection and history exhibits, plus two concerts held in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception.

2018: The Marian Library had a year-long celebration to commemorate its 75th anniversary. Events included collection and history exhibits, plus two concerts held in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception.

2018: The initial donation of holy cards from Julie and Christina Brown was received. Christina is a University of Dayton alumna. The Julie Ann Brown and Christina Brown Holy Card Collection is a valuable addition to the library’s collections since it is one of the world’s most significant collections of holy cards.

2018: The initial donation of holy cards from Julie and Christina Brown was received. Christina is a University of Dayton alumna. The Julie Ann Brown and Christina Brown Holy Card Collection is a valuable addition to the library’s collections since it is one of the world’s most significant collections of holy cards.

December, 2019
December, 2019: “CBS Sunday Morning” highlighted the Marian Library Crèche Collection and the “At the Manger” exhibit in a nationally broadcast segment on Nativity sets.
December, 2019

December, 2019: “CBS Sunday Morning” highlighted the Marian Library Crèche Collection and the “At the Manger” exhibit in a nationally broadcast segment on Nativity sets.

March, 2020
March, 2020: The focus turned to documenting and sharing digital collections, virtual research assistance and the online presence of the Marian Library during the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic. University Libraries faculty and staff began a successful return to campus in July 2020 and began to progress back to in-person exhibits, research assistance, class instruction and patron visits.
March, 2020

March, 2020: The focus turned to documenting and sharing digital collections, virtual research assistance and the online presence of the Marian Library during the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic. University Libraries faculty and staff began a successful return to campus in July 2020 and began to progress back to in-person exhibits, research assistance, class instruction and patron visits.

Summer, 2021
Summer, 2021: The International Marian Research Institute awarded its final pontifical degrees and began its transition from the University Libraries to the College of Arts and Sciences.
Summer, 2021

Summer, 2021: The International Marian Research Institute awarded its final pontifical degrees and began its transition from the University Libraries to the College of Arts and Sciences.

Summer, 2022
Summer, 2022: The first resident scholar (Liz Hutter) and visiting scholar (Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada) to be awarded Marian Library Fellowships. Both fellowships were made possible by a gift to the University of Dayton by the Marianist Province of the United States and will continue annually.
Summer, 2022

Summer, 2022: The first resident scholar (Liz Hutter) and visiting scholar (Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada) to be awarded Marian Library Fellowships. Both fellowships were made possible by a gift to the University of Dayton by the Marianist Province of the United States and will continue annually.

February, 2023
February, 2023: “Rituals of Healing: Body, Mind, Spirit” was the first Marian Library exhibit curated by University of Dayton students. First-year ENG 100 students created displays of Marian Library artifacts and wrote narratives to explore what individuals or groups believe about religion, medical expertise, and healing of the body, mind and spirit.
February, 2023

February, 2023: “Rituals of Healing: Body, Mind, Spirit” was the first Marian Library exhibit curated by University of Dayton students. First-year ENG 100 students created displays of Marian Library artifacts and wrote narratives to explore what individuals or groups believe about religion, medical expertise, and healing of the body, mind and spirit.

May, 2023
2023: Kayla Harris is appointed director of the Marian Library.
May, 2023

2023: Kayla Harris is appointed director of the Marian Library.