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Inclusive Excellence Academy

Rooted in the University of Dayton’s Catholic and Marianist conviction that every person has innate dignity because all people are made in the image and likeness of God, the Inclusive Excellence Academy learning series creates opportunities to familiarize faculty and staff with Inclusive Excellence.

Each academic year the Office of Diversity and Inclusion hosts 15-20 Inclusive Excellence Academy (IEA) sessions. Sessions increase intercultural knowledge and identity awareness and equip attendees with knowledge and skills to develop long-term, sustainable initiatives for the creation of inclusive learning and working spaces. Workshop topics range from understanding cross-cultural interactions to creating inclusive classroom environments to understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion through a Catholic and Marianist lens.

The Inclusive Excellence Academy is organized in three levels: discover, apply, create. This system helps participants determine the type of content and activities they will experience in the sessions, as well as the particular outcomes that each workshop aims to.

Levels - Inclusive Excellence Academy
  • Discover sessions provide an introductory overview to content, definitions and information related to diversity, equity and inclusion, with the intent to develop knowledge, awareness, and appreciation.
  • Sessions at the discover level allow participants to reflect on their own identities and cultural values and beliefs, as well as the history, cultures, traditions and identities of the diverse array of people they interact with and serve.
  • Workshops at this level examine equity and Inclusive Excellence from a point of view that underscores historical and social patterns of exclusion towards underserved and underrepresented groups. 
  • Workshops in this level provide participants with practical opportunities to analyze real-life scenarios in which decision-making and problem solving are identified and constructed communally.
  • Attendees will be able to analyze power differences and develop strategies for allyship and advocacy while identifying connections with and assuming a commitment towards diversity, equity, and inclusion as a personal responsibility.
  • At this level, sessions are geared towards equipping employees with knowledge and skills to develop initiatives that are inclusive of the identities of different campus stakeholders.
  • Workshops in this level showcase initiatives that exemplify how faculty and staff  put Inclusive Excellence into action. 
  • Participants witness how innovative thinking creates impactful and sustainable solutions to real problems related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Facilitators allow participants to explore how the initiatives they present can be replicated, adapted, and transformed to fit the missions and needs of other programs and units.

UD Faculty & Staff: To sign-up for an IEA session, visit our Porches page or go directly to the HR CE Portal for registration.


Office of Diversity and Inclusion

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1626