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The front cover of "Tidings: An Annual Communique from the Marian Library" which features a depiction of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a large orange and yellow halo behind her head. Her dark hair is up in twists and ribbons. She is wearing a cloak of bright pinks, oranges with swirls and a turquoise layer underneath. She holds a white dove with a ribbon in it's beak. The teaser copy read: "Inside: Wayfinding in the Library; An Oak Anniversary; A Review of the Academic Year." Behind the cover is a blue sky background.

Sharing Glad ‘Tidings’

By Kayla Harris

A few years ago, when the Marian Library Newsletter expanded to include more pages, a fresh design, and engaging stories on collections, exhibits, research, programs and people, it became much more than a newsletter — worthy of an identity all its own. Besides providing an annual report of successes and numbers, it gives readers a deeper connection with the Marian Library and a better understanding of the work its faculty, staff and volunteers have done since its founding 80 years ago. Today, we are excited to introduce the inaugural issue of Tidings: An Annual Communiqué from the Marian Library

— Kayla Harris is an associate professor, director of the Marian Library and editor of Tidings.

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