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In the News: March 14, 2016

By Michael Duricy


Read recent items about Mary in both Catholic and secular news. Also see International Marian Research Institute news and updates.

ML/IMRI Features

Marian Events

Mary in the Catholic Press

Mary in the Secular Press

Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute Features


We recently received the compliment below for our programs on Radio Maria from a patron in Belarus:

"Hello! My name is Dmitry. Radio is a great invention of mankind. I want to express my gratitude for what you do. We hear your broadcasts via the internet. All your programs are worthy of the highest praise. You are professionals of the business. I have always envied those who work with you. Good luck to you."

On a related note: The March, 2016 Radio Maria Newsletter is available online [in PDF--requires Adobe Acrobat Reader].


Mary in Media: Books, Films, Music, etc.

Brother Andrew Kosmowski, S.M., spoke about the Marian Library and the International Marian Research Institute during the March 3, 2016 Morning Glory broadcast on the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network. Click here to listen to the entire program [57 minutes with Brother Andrew from 17-24]. He also recently created a new Tumblr for ML/IMRI.


From the Marian Treasure Chest

Brother John M. Samaha, S.M., sent us the text immediately below.

Auspice Virgine Deipara

The Marianist Family is generally familiar with the Latin expression Maria duce, meaning under Mary's guidance. (Remember the ablative absolute in Latin, and its use in Julius Caesar's historical record of the Gallic Wars?) This was commonly used by Blessed William Joseph Chaminade and those around him.

Auspice Virgine Deipara, under the auspices of the Virgin Mother of God, is another Latin ablative absolute expression used by Chaminade and his disciples. 

Consider using these watchwords or slogans appropriately in our written messages. They are helpful reminders of the intense Marian spirit of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade and his first followers.


Marian Events

The International Marian Research Institute will host our next online Marian Forum on Friday, April 8, 2016. Click here for details or to register. Please note that the  deadline to register for the upcoming forum is this Friday, March 18, 2016.


Mary in the Catholic Press

A Long, Holy Good-bye to My Mom from Zenit March 11, 2016

My mom passed away May 23, 2015, four days after she underwent her second surgery to remove a brain tumor, sixteen months after the first. Mom wanted to live, Dad couldn't let her go without a fight, and the rest of us wanted to believe in miracles. So we prayed as intensely as we ever had prayed and never left her side until about an hour after she passed early on a spring Saturday morning.

The last eight months have been filled with experiencing all of those "firsts" that had to happen: The first June 18 in 55 years without my parents celebrating their wedding anniversary, her first birthday not with us, all of our first birthdays without her calling to sing to us, the first Christmas without her and so many other events that wouldn't mean much to others but passed with great difficulty for her family and friends....

Closing my eyes for a few seconds, I remember that I have a rosary--one of my mom's many rosaries--within reach. I take the beads in my hands and say the Apostles' Creed, an Our Father, three Hail Marys and a full decade. I don't meditate on any particular mystery or intention. My mind feels vacant, my heart full yet broken, all at the same time. Abundant tears pour down my cheeks.

I'm ready to head home. First, I look back toward my mom's resting place. I see the small, bare tree that stands just a few feet away from the headstone. "Mom," I say out loud, "I miss you."

Click here to read the complete article.


Mary in the Secular Press

The director and editors of All About Mary under the auspices of the International Marian Research Institute do not necessarily endorse or agree with the events and ideas expressed in this feature. Our sole purpose is to report on items about Mary gleaned from a myriad of papers representing the secular press.

Review: Mary's Bodily Assumption by Matthew Levering (Church Life Journal) February 16, 2016

Matthew Levering's newest publication, Mary's Bodily Assumption, (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015) sheds bright light on his passion for and expertise in ecumenical dialogue. Erudite and supplied with extensive notes, this ambitious and thought-provoking work aims at showing how Mary's bodily Assumption [and by extension, all Marian dogmas] is a logical implication of Mary's mission as Theotokos.

When Pius XII defined and proclaimed the dogma of Mary's bodily Assumption into heaven on November 1, 1950, he could count on the overwhelming support of those in communion with the Apostolic See. It is therefore astonishing that, since then, very little further exploration of the doctrine has occurred. In fact, the last book in English on Mary's Assumption was published more than thirty years ago, while "during this same time period, however, Protestant (and especially Evangelical) interest in Mary has increased significantly." Filling this lacuna, the distinguished, well-known scholar and Perry Family Professor of Theology at Mundelein Seminary offers a systematic and ecumenical rationale for the newest Marian dogma that also aids Catholics in a proper understanding of Mary's Assumption. Both aspects--ecumenical dialogue and in-depth Marian teaching--are a rare combination in current academic discourse, wherefore Professor Levering is to be commended for his courage, expertise, as well as humility to take on this challenge.

The monograph is divided in two parts with three chapters each. Part One, a historical exposition, summarizes "the vibrant twentieth-century Catholic discussions" on Mary's Assumption: the magisterial teaching [ch. 1], the contribution of Neo-Scholasticism [ch. 2], and the work of ressourcement thinkers [ch. 3]. Levering skillfully shows how each of these teachings contains the three pillars on which faith in Mary's Assumption rests: biblical typology, the authority of the Church, and doctrinal fittingness. Part Two, a constructive investigation, defends these three pillars in dialogue with Cardinal Newman and Protestant scholars. A short description of each chapter follows. ...

Click here to read the complete article.

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In the News: March 21, 2016

Read recent items about Mary in both Catholic and secular news. Also see International Marian Research Institute news and updates.

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