Fraternity & Sorority Life
Fraternity and Sorority Life
In 1947, the first fraternity was chartered at the University of Dayton. Since then the fraternity and sorority life community has grown to over 1,400 students. The University of Dayton Fraternity and Sorority Life community is currently made up of 19 chapters: 7 College Panhellenic Council (CPC) chapters + 1 associate chapter, 6 Interfraternity Council (IFC) chapters, 2 Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) chapters, and 3 National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) chapters.
Each organization offers students the opportunity to meet new friends, attend local and national leadership conferences, as well as participate in service and social activities. Last year members completed over 9,000 hours of community service and raised over $82,000 for local and national philanthropies.
Follow our Office and Councils on Instagram to stay updated about events and programs sponsored by our community; @udayton_fsl, @ud_panhellenic, @udifc, @mgc_dayton, @nphc.ud.
If you want to learn more about Fraternity and Sorority Life at UD contact us at