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Fraternity and Sorority Life Expansion/Extension

We're Growing Community

The University of Dayton’s philosophy on expansion/extension is a simple one: bring chapters to campus that will positively impact the lives of our students. As a private, Catholic, and Marianist university, UD seeks organizations that will be committed not only to the betterment of our Fraternity and Sorority Life community but indeed, the whole University of Dayton community and the Dayton community at large. An organization’s values as well as how its deeds align with those values must align with the mission, vision, and values of the University of Dayton and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. Learn more by downloading our expansion packet below.

                              WE WANT YOU!rudywantsyou2

               EXPANSION IS NOW CLOSED. 


The University of Dayton FSL Community is always interested in learning more about your organization and discussing future expansion in the Interfraternity Council (NIC and other inter/national men's fraternities), Multicultural Greek Council (NALFO, NMGC, NAPA), and National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). Please contact Evan Englander, Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life for details. 

                                     Expansion packets are currently being processed.

                           Please watch this website for future expansion opportunities. 


Fraternity and Sorority Life

Kennedy Union
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0620