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Group Fitness

${ Patrons engaging in a group fitness class in the North Gym doing body weight exercises. }

Group Fitness

The Group Fitness program offers a friendly and welcoming environment that encourages members to maintain and enhance lifelong fitness and healthy lifestyles here at UD and in the future. Our certified instructors teach safe, fun and challenging classes designed to increase strength, improve flexibility & balance, and challenge cardiovascular endurance to meet the needs of the UD Community.

Group Fitness Schedule




  • Participants should arrive at least 5 minutes prior to start of class. You must present your University of Dayton ID or Campus Recreation membership card to the instructor to be granted entry.
  • UDCR Group Fitness classes are designed for all fitness levels. Our instructors will provide modifications to accommodate all. Please let your instructor know if you have any injuries, special needs, or questions prior to class beginning, such that modifications can be provided throughout.
  • When not in use for programming purposes, Studios A and B are unavailable for general recreation. Please visit Studio C during non-programming times for open studio space.
  • For questions or more information, contact or call 937.229.2705.

Campus Recreation

2 Evanston Ave.
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0790