Faculty Maternity Leave Frequently Asked Questions
Faculty Maternity Leave Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who does this policy apply to?
A. This maternity leave policy applies to tenured and tenure track faculty members. It also applies to full-time, non-tenure-track faculty who have completed at least two years of consecutive full-time service and whose full-time service is expected by the University to continue.
2. Is it possible to have a full semester off from teaching if my leave does not cover the entire semester? Is this time paid or unpaid?
A. Yes, it is possible. The particular arrangement is worked out by the faculty member and the chair. It may depend on the delivery date, the type and length of the leave, and the nature of the course/s. The Maternity leave may have four components: use of 6 weeks paid maternity leave, use of accrued salary continuation, modified duties, and unpaid leave. Please refer to the Procedures page for an explanation of these types of leave.
3. What types of duties will be acceptable if I elect to perform non-classroom duties as part of my leave?
A. The Modified Duties Agreement should be worked out with your department chair. These duties must be solid, deliverable, and beneficial to the department; they may include planning curriculum, new course development, on-line instruction, or special projects for the department. The nature of the duties may indicate whether they can be carried out at a distance or if they require some physical presence on campus during some part of the semester. Your department chair, dean, and the Associate Provost for Faculty and Administrative Affairs must approve the duties before the leave begins. If circumstances change (for either the faculty or the department) during the leave that affect the original agreement, the faculty and chair should prepare an amendment to that agreement and submit it to the dean and provost. After you return from leave, you should submit a report to the chair describing the work completed and the department chair must sign the report and indicate whether the duties were completed satisfactorily.
4. Who can I ask for help in understanding the policy or in developing a Modified Duties Agreement?
Faculty may consult the Manager of Benefits in the Office of Human Resources or the Associate Provost for Faculty and Administrative Affairs to better understand the relevant policies. The development of a Modified Duties Agreement is done by the faculty member and the department chair. Faculty may discuss possible arrangements with other faculty who have experience working with the policy and with members of the Maternity Leave Review Panel.
5. How does maternity leave affect my tenure status?
If you are a non-tenured, tenure track faculty member, your tenure clock will automatically be stopped for the academic year in which your leave occurs and your tenure review date will be postponed by one year. If you wish, you may request that your tenure clock not be stopped during the academic year in which your leave occurs, in which case your tenure review date will remain unchanged. This election can be made on the Maternity Leave Application Form or upon return from leave.
6. If I am due in the summer, may I collect pay using my accrued salary continuation?
Accrued salary continuation may only be applied during contractual time. If you are not contracted during the summer, you may not use your salary continuation during the summer; however, if you have elected the 24-pay option, your pay will not be interrupted nor will time be subtracted from available salary continuation. Also, if your due date falls within one month prior to the start of the fall semester, you will be eligible for leave during that fall semester.
7. This is my first year at UD. Do I have any chance for pay during maternity leave?
At the time of their hire, all full time faculty will be covered for the first 6 weeks in full without the use of salary continuation.