Integrated Learning-Living Communities
Self and Community in the 21st Century
Shape your community, shape your life. In this ILLC, you will form your identity, develop your sense of self, analyze the influence of groups, and learn about political and social interactions through your community. Critical thinkers are concerned about the erosion of community and the alienation of individuals through the use of increasingly individualistic communication methods. You will address the concept of community through specially designed social science courses and events. Incoming majors in criminal justice studies, economics, and sociology are placed in this ILLC. Incoming majors in human rights studies, political science, and psychology may also participate in this ILLC.
Students: Open to students with majors listed above
ILLC Coordinator: Art Jipson
ILLC Faculty: Melissa Layman-Guadalupe, Art Jipson, David Watkins
CJS 101 (Introduction to Criminal Justice), or POL 201 (The American Political System), or SOC 101 (Principles of Sociology), or PSY 101 (Introductory Psychology) during the Fall 2014 semester.
Courses meet graduation requirements.
- Watch and discuss films that examine various forms of community, individuality, and social and political connection in an increasingly alienating world in order to understand modern culture
- Join discussions with guest lecturers and speakers such as Robert Rummel-Hudson (author of Schyuler's Monster) and Azar Nafisi (author of Reading Lolita in Tehran) about how literature influences the communities we create in our everyday lives
- Attend and participate in residence-hall activities (group discussions, films, and events) that illustrate the influence of community
- Attend and participate in classroom and residence hall discussions about the communities to which we belong