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Faculty February 01, 2022
Accessibility Tip #5: The Case for Captions
Captions - the easiest of all our Accessibility Tips. This article will review the importance of captions and how to ensure your videos are captioned (trust me, it's easy!).
Faculty December 20, 2021
Group Engagement Contracts for Better Group Experiences
Group projects and group discussions are proven ways to provide students with critical skills needed for future careers. In an online environment, however, group work is a means to connect students, which improves the likelihood of course and degree completion.  It also helps students learn to work with others at a distance, which is an increasingly vital skill in the remote workplace environment. There are, however, essential skills that course instructors must have to facilitate this effectively for positive outcomes.
Faculty December 06, 2021
Accessibility Tip #4: Conscientious Colors
You might be surprised to learn that one of every twenty people has some type of colorblindness, and though we want you to take all our accessibility tips seriously, this is one you absolutely cannot ignore. It’s possible you may never have a student that is blind or deaf, but you will FOR SURE have a student with color blindness in your class.
Faculty November 29, 2021
Book Review: Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education
Innovation is a word that evokes a variety of emotions and even more numerous definitions depending on who you ask. In the book Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education, Joshua Kim and Edward Maloney attempt to define innovation more precisely.
Faculty October 26, 2021
What's the Deal with Learning Styles?

If you’ve taught at all in the last 30 years, you’ve probably heard some variation of the phrase, "I can’t learn like that," or "I learn best through videos." What if I told you that learning styles are the teaching equivalent of urban legends? Read on to learn about the history of learning styles and how to ensure your teaching style and resources meets your learners' needs. 

Faculty October 11, 2021
Accessibility Tip #3: Structuring Content with Headers
Headings are tags that let users who use screen reading software quickly understand and navigate through webpages. In this article, you'll learn how to correctly use headings and why you should incorporate them into your content creation.
Faculty September 27, 2021
Book Review: How Students Learn by Joshua Eyler

In his book, “How Humans Learn: The Science and Stories behind Effective College Teaching,” Joshua R. Eyler explores the evolutionary history of the human brain to pinpoint a set of five common needs that drive all humans to learn from the world around them, including: Curiosity, Sociality, Emotions, Authenticity, and Failure.

Faculty September 13, 2021
Understanding Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation in Your Students

What motivates your students?

Do they have a genuine interest in your topics and material, or are they just checking a box on their way to a degree? 

Would your students do optional readings and assignments?

Faculty August 12, 2021
Book Review: Distracted by James Lang
I feel a little bit bad for James Lang, author of Distracted. He finished writing this book in February 2020 . . . a mere 3 weeks before the nature of human distraction fundamentally changed and his whole book became immediately obsolete.
Faculty August 09, 2021
Shifting to Student Centered Learning with a Flipped Classroom Approach
Have you been struggling to find ways to more quality time interacting with your students in class without sacrificing time on task? If you often find yourself wishing that there was a way to give direction and assistance to students while they work through the challenging aspects of the course instead of having to simply “move on for time’s sake”, then a flipped classroom method might be the solution you’ve been looking for. This method of instruction may not look the way you envision and may not be as difficult to implement as you once thought.