
Water Ways
By Ann Zlotnik
Getting out there
For many people, summertime activities center upon water: kayaking down a winding stream, splashing in salty ocean waves, finding a lakeside fishing spot or floating in a neighborhood pool. A body of water — even one flowing from a garden hose into a kiddie pool — can be the source of a fun-filled day with family and friends.
Staying hydrated
When it is simmering hot outside, nothing brings relief like a big glass of ice water. Add some lemons and a bit of sugar for classic lemonade. Growing up in the ’70s and ’80s, we had a constant supply of Kool-Aid packets in the cupboard. Choosing the flavor you were feeling at the moment, then mixing it with 2 quarts of water and 1 cup of sugar made the whole day a little (actually a lot) sweeter. Speaking of sweeter, how about some sweet iced tea?
Feeling artsy
Inspired by all that water is and does, I found a variety of artworks in the Marian Library’s collection that, like summer activities and refreshments, are centered on water. They remind me that water is a symbol of life and renewal. We literally cannot live without it — physically or spiritually.
— Ann Zlotnik is a graphic designer and the communication and creative coordinator for the University Libraries and the Marian Library at the University of Dayton.