
Postcards of Our Lady
By Melanie Zebrowski, Library Specialist
Our hearts go out to the people of Paris and the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the wake of such unexpected loss. As one of the most adored and well-known Marian Shrines throughout the world, watching the flames engulf its spires and roof was quite an emotional blow to an otherwise ordinary day. For the people connected to Notre Dame, they realize that the history, memories, and treasures it contains are irreplaceable. Thankfully, the structure still stands and, although it is a long road to recovery, the massive outpouring of love and support from people all around the world brings hope to its future.
These postcards of Notre Dame in the Marian Library's collection span over a century and have been sent to us by visitors from all over the world. There is so much loyalty and affection for this Cathedral which represents the heart of Paris and the heart of France. This is our tribute to such a wonderful symbol of Our Lady.