
The Madonna on Stamps
By Kayla Harris, Librarian/Archivist
Philately is the collection and study of postage stamps, and Marian philately focuses specifically on depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary on stamps. The Marian Library’s stamp collection includes over 9,000 stamps, some of which have been digitized and made available in eCommons. Brother Eugene Claret, S.M. organized and added to the collection in the early 1990’s, while Brother Raymond Boutin, S.M. has continued to work on describing and organizing new accruals.
A variety of artistic styles and Marian themes are featured on stamps, but Marian art from Renaissance masters is highlighted most frequently. Now through June 28, visit the Marian Library gallery to see A Miniature Museum of Marian Art: The Madonna on Stamps, a mini-exhibit about Marian philately and the Renaissance artists Raphael, Botticelli, Dürer, and Memling. In addition to seeing a range of Madonnas on stamps, learn about stamp terminology, the first Marian stamp ever issued, and a publication from the 1960’s issued for Marian stamp collectors.
Stamp enthusiasts can also visit All About Mary for more information about Marian philately as well as extensive information about Raphael’s Madonnas on stamps.