
The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
Image shown: Annunciation, Luis Juárez (c. 1585-1639)
The Annunciation of the Lord is normally celebrated nine months before Christmas — March 25. This year, however, March 25 fell on a Sunday during Lent and those Sundays remain focused only on Lent. This year, the Annunciation will be observed on Monday, April 9.
For your convenience and to help you prepare to celebrate this feast, Fr. Johann Roten, S.M. has provided some suggested material from the All About Mary website. Browse through this wonderful resource—full of information pertaining to the Blessed Mother—for additional material on the Annunciation.
See: Magisterial Documents: Signum Magnum
The Blessed Virgin Mary and Annunciation of the Lord – See: Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary
A meditation by Johann G. Roten, SM. See: Annunciation Meditation
March 25: Solemnity of the Annunciation Blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin by Rev. Matthew Mauriello See: Annunciation Homily
When humans are confronted with the divine in presence or question ("Is there a purpose to life?") they meet the Mystery at the heart of life. Walter Brennan, O.S.M. See: Fear at the Annunciation
Thomas Merton's Marian Poetry: The Annunciation written in 1946. See: Poems by Thomas Merton
Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary – See: Rosary: Mystery Reflections
See: Magisterial Documents: The Life of Mary
See: Bible Meditations on Mary
The Annunciation, work of art and explanation by Georgia Askew. See: Archived website