
In the News: Posted July 1, 2015
Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute Features
Mary in Books, Films, and Music
Dr. Gloria Falcão Dodd informed us that a new book on Fatima is now available through the World Apostolate of Fatima, A Pathway Under the Gaze of Mary:Biography of Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart.
Get to know Sister Lucia intimately through the eyes of the Carmelite Sisters who shared in her daily life for fifty-seven years at the Carmel in Coimbra, Portugal. This biography draws upon Sister Lucia's personal memories as narrated to the sisters, letters and writings, and private notes never-before-published, allowing readers to experience her personal path of joys and sufferings as she spread the message of Fatima given by the "Lady brighter than the sun."
Click here for a Book Review by Don Fier or here to order copies.
TOPFrom the Marian Treasure Chest
Brother John M. Samaha, S.M., sent us the information below.
Hey! You've Got Email!
Brother Stan Zubeck, S.M. brought joy to my spirit a few weeks ago when he emailed me telling me how much he enjoyed the article on the 3:00 prayer written by Father Jean Armbruster, S.M. This was a detailed history of how the 3:00 prayer developed through the years. I had hoped this would give more background to Marianists, since many of our schools use this prayer every day at dismissal time.
Brother Stan even went further. He had composed musical versions for the prayer. I couldn't wait to hear it. At our Associates Retreat this year at Mary's Family Retreat Center at Cape May Point, N.J., Brother Stan included some of his songs in our liturgy celebrations. He has two versions of the 3:00 prayer, two versions of the Act of Consecration, two of the Marianist doxology. He also composed a hymn to remind us of the goal Father Chaminade had in mind--that we become more and more like Christ, sons and daughters of Mary. He agreed to my request to present these to the Marianist Family. Thanks, Brother Stan.
We invite you to use these prayer-hymns at your community meetings, especially on Marianist feasts. I know there is much more out there. I encourage you to send me your articles, conferences, poems, projects, questions, etc., by email. I look forward to hearing that familiar sound--Hey! You’ve got mail!
Please send your material to or email Mike Duricy at with requests for the music and lyrics.Marian Events
The Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary USA (ESBVM-USA) exists to advance the study of Mary, the Mother of Christ, in Christian biblical and spiritual perspectives, and in the light of such study, to promote ecumenical interchange and prayer. Its aim is to show that in Mary, Christians of many traditions may find a focus in their search for unity.
Their 2015 Weekend Conference theme is: The Virgin Mary in Christian Dialogue: Controversy, Convergence, and Vision. The mother of Jesus has stood at the heart of Christianity's most profound truths, passionate devotions, and fiery controversies. For centuries after the Protestant Reformation, the mere mention of Mary's name in certain contexts could ignite hot-tempered disagreements.
By the twentieth century, Christians began trying to repair divisions by coming together in formal dialogues. Marian topics were cautiously included in the later of these dialogues, and joint statements that described new appreciation for each other's Marian traditions--while still noting important areas of disagreement--were signed.
While great progress was made during these dialogues, very few people are aware of them and the way forward is not clear. The purpose of this conference is to continue the important work of Marian dialogues, assessing their relevance to contemporary religious thought and practice within the various Christian traditions and providing some discussion regarding future possibilities.
Join the ESBVM-USA for what promises to be a stimulating and enlightening weekend of conversation about the mother of our Lord!
The annual weekend conference of the ESBVM-USA will be held on the campus of Misericordia University in Dallas, PA, near Wilkes-Barre and Scranton. Click here for Directions to the campus from the university's website: or here for more information about the conference.
Mary in the Catholic Press
Returning to Iraq During IS Occupation Was a Call From God from Zenit (Grottammare) June 23, 2015
An extraordinary testimony of Christian faith in a time of persecution was given at the end of the meeting Pellegrini nel Cyberspazio (Pilgrims in Cyberspace) (Grottammare-Ascoli Piceno, June 18-20), by Bishop Basel Yaldo, Auxiliary Bishop of the Chaldean Patriarchate of Baghdad for the past five months.
The Prelate asked the journalists in the hall "to make the whole world hear the voice of a suffering Church." He then talked about his abduction in Baghdad in September 2006, in an overheated atmosphere, following Pope Benedict XVI's famous address, completely misunderstood in many sectors of Islam.
Having gone to clarify the controversy with a group of Muslims, the young priest was attacked and held prisoner for three days, during which his only consolation was the recitation of the Rosary....
Click here to see the complete article from Zenit.
Mary in the Secular Press
The director and editors of The Mary Page under the auspices of the International Marian Research Institute do not necessarily endorse or agree with the events and ideas expressed in this feature. Our sole purpose is to report on items about Mary gleaned from a myriad of papers representing the secular press.
Ancient mosaic found under Nazareth's Church of Annunciation (The Times of Israel) July 1, 2015
Remains of an ancient church at one of the most revered sites in Christendom were discovered by archaeologists excavating in Nazareth. A group of scientists from universities in the US and Israel announced the discovery of a 1,700-year-old Christian mosaic buried some two meters beneath the courtyard of Nazareth's Basilica of the Annunciation....
The church marks the spot where Roman Catholics believe the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced the imminent birth of Jesus....
Click here to read the entire article.