University Libraries
Government Documents: Open for Business
By Scott West
The government shutdown drags on, but there's no shutting down the government documents section of a Federal Depository Library. Some highlights added to our collections in the past few weeks:
After the Wars: International Lessons from the U.S. Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan
Edited by John A. Gentry & William M. Nolte of the National Intelligence University. This 2018 report considers lessons of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan from the perspectives of the international community and the United States. Contributors look at the roles of and impacts on Germany, Japan, Russia, Pakistan and others.
- Call Number: D 5.202:W 26
- Format: Print
Hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate. Remember when Supreme Court nominations were relatively innocuous events? No? Me neither. The Gorsuch hearings were, in hindsight, relatively calm.
- Call Number: Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.115-208
- Format: Print and online
Do No Harm: Ending Sexual Abuse in United Nations Peacekeeping
Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate. This hearing is, for the most part, a collection of prepared statements dealing with a subject that gets very little discussion in media outlets. Various speakers provide testimony on sexual abuse by United Nations peacekeepers as well as express a determination to end these abuses.
- Call Number: Y 4.F 76/2:S.HRG.114-777
- Format: Print and online
Head Health Challenge: Preventing Head Trauma from Football Field to Shop Floor to Battlefield
Hearing before the Subcommittee on Research & Technology of the Committee on Science, Space & Technology, House of Representatives. Concussion and head injury issues are a frequent and serious topic of discussion in sports at all levels as well as with the safety and rehabilitation of military personnel. This hearing involves a discussion of the Head Health Challenge, a prize sponsored by the National Institute of Standards & Technology, the NFL, Under Armour, and General Electric. The objective is to accelerate the development of advanced materials that protect against head injuries.
- Call Number: Y 4.SCI 2:115-42
- Format: Print and online
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. This resource is the official National Park Service map from the Manzanar National Historic Site. During World War II, the United States confined 10,000 Japanese-Americans in this camp based solely on their ethnic identity. It is an American tragedy. If you cannot visit the California site, this resource can give you at least a small picture of this important monument.
- Call Number: I 29.6/6:M 31/3/2018
- Format: Print
The Opioid Epidemic in Appalachia: Addressing Hurdles to Economic Development in the Region
Hearing before the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings & Emergency Management of the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure, House of Representatives. The purpose of this hearing is to examine the impact of the opioid crisis on economic revitalization efforts in Appalachia. In addition, the subcommittee hopes to identify possible solutions to the problem and clarify the federal role in these solutions.
- Call Number: Y 5.T 68/2:115-31
- Format: Print and online
Perspectives on Mixed Martial Arts
Hearing before the Subcommittee on Digital Commerce & Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy & Commerce, House of Representatives. The purpose of this hearing was to discuss safety and regulatory issues surrounding mixed martial arts (MMA). Witnesses included representatives from the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship), the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission, and the Brain Injury Research Center. In addition, Randy Couture, a former MMA fighter and president of Xtreme Couture MMA, provided a prepared statement.
- Call Number: Y 4c 73/8:S.HRG.115-76
- Format: Print and online
Promoting Successful Integration
Edited by Rory A. Cooper, Col. Paul F. Pasquina & Col. Douglas A. Etter. This publication was cooperatively produced by the Office of the Surgeon General, the Borden Institute, and U.S. Army Medical Center & School. The book is an extraordinary resource for all parties involved in the reintegration of military personnel into civilian life. Further, it is a testament to the resilience of returning service members.
- Call Number: D 104.2:IN 8/2
- Format: Print and online
The Russian Doping Scandal: Protecting Whistleblowers & Combating Fraud in Sports
Briefing of the Commission on Security & Cooperation in Europe. Paul Massaro, policy adviser for this commission, claims that the Russian doping scandal is “a story of corruption and fraud on an unprecedented scale. It has now been demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that the Russian state was behind a systematic effort to dope their athletes and defraud the Olympics. No one can see how deep this rabbit hole goes and how long these corrupt practices have gone on. But what we can say is that it is a microcosm of the conflicts playing out across the world. As clean athletes compete against cheaters, so do legitimate businessmen face off against oligarchs and governments based on the rule of law do battle with authoritarian kleptocrats. And much like at the Olympics, without the benefit of transparency and the bravery of those few who stand up and say enough is enough, it becomes immeasurably more difficult for democracy, human rights, and free markets to succeed.”
- Call Number: Y 4.SE 2:R 92/21
- Format: Print and online
U.S. Department of State. This is the annual list of all active treaties involving the United States. Volumes are available going back to 1997. These tomes can be intimidating, but they are invaluable resources.
- Call number: S 9.14:2018
- Format: Print and online
World-Wide Threats: Keeping America Secure in the New Age of Terror
Hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives. This hearing involved two panels with representatives from a variety of groups. The first panel included the acting director of Homeland Security, director of the FBI, and director of the National Counterterrorism Center. The second panel included the Knoxville, Tennessee, chief of police, an associate dean and director of the Global Social Action Agenda, and the president of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The intent was to identify and discuss the most serious threats to the United States from both the international and domestic perspectives.
- Call Number: Y 4.H 75: 115-41
- Format: Print and online
— Scott N. West is an information resources specialist in the University Libraries.
Postscript: In 2019, Roesch Library celebrates 50 years in the Federal Depository Library Program.