Hypersonic Test Apparatus
Enabling Hypersonic Testing and Evaluation
UDRI researchers design, fabricate, and commission complex hypersonic test apparatus. We developed the Mach 6 Ludwieg Tube wind tunnel for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) beginning with AFRL-Texas A&M University concepts, including requirements formalization, detailed design and fabrication, facility integration planning, installation, validation testing, and documentation and training for operation and maintenance in accordance with ISO 9001 quality procedures.
The AFRL Ludwieg Tube is a self-contained, turn-key Mach 6 wind tunnel with a rapid operation turn-around capability. The system includes an anchored, above-floor tunnel assembly shown in the figure above, basement-level power and pumping assemblies, and digitally interconnected controls and monitoring. The tunnel is compatible with external accessories such as tracer gasses and various optical imaging setups. Basement-level facility requirements include a single electrical power feed, ventilating fan, and floor drain (for compressor condensate); the facility also features a tunnel-level Test Section environmental enclosure used to stabilize optical imaging setups and a ring-lock Test Section access door. The AFRL Ludwieg Tube is modular allowing compatibility with alternate nozzles, starting devices, and model supports.
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Top: Design solid model of the Mach 6 Ludwieg Tube wind tunnel designed, fabricated, and commissioned by UDRI researchers for use by AFRL at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.