Mailing Services
Mailing Services
Mailing Services is located on the 1st Floor of Fitz Hall, enter along Caldwell Street.
Additional mailing services information for faculty and staff can be found on our Porches site.

Business Hours, during Fall & Spring Semesters:
- Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- Closed Sunday & Posted Holidays
Intelligent Locker System
For student package and letter mail delivery, the University of Dayton has established a locker system offering secure 24/7 access on the first floor of Fitz Hall.
The more than 1,300 intelligent lockers better accommodate students' schedules and improves the efficiency of processing the 600-800 letters and packages Mailing Services receives daily. The lockers are used for students in the following locations:
- Marycrest
- Virginia W. Kettering
- Stuart
- Founders
- Marianist Hall
- Caldwell Apartments
- Adele Center
- Plumwood Apartments
- University Place
- Garden Apartments
- Campus South
- 201 Lawnview
- South Quads
Mail to student houses will be delivered directly.
How the lockers work:
When students living in the above locations have a package or letter mail ready for pickup, they’ll receive an email with a digital pickup code and a barcode.
- Each bank of intelligent lockers has an assigned number above the kiosk screen. Once a student locates the locker bank identified in the email, they can either scan the barcode or enter the pickup code on the screen.
- Students will sign their name on the screen and press continue. The locker door where their package or letter mail is stored will automatically open so they can retrieve their item(s).
If mail and packages aren’t retrieved within three days of receiving the notification, they will be removed and held in Mailing Services for an additional seven days. If the package or letter mail has still not been picked up by the eighth day, items will be returned to the sender.
Students unable to pick up their package or letter mail within the allotted time can contact Mailing Services to make other arrangements.
Package/Letter Locker System FAQ
Your package or letter mail will be located in Fitz Hall Mailing Services parcel lockers. You will receive an email regarding the status of your item. Directions on how to retrieve your package or mail item will be in the email you will receive from UD Mailing Services.
Contact UD Mailing Services at 937-229-2455.
Mailing Services will place your package or letter in the parcel locker system within three business days from when you receive your delivery notice from the shipper. Once your item is processed, you will receive a notification from the University that your package or letter mail is ready for pick up.
For items that do not need to be refrigerated or frozen, you will be given three days to pick up them up from the parcel locker. You will receive emails each day reminding you that you have an item to be picked up. On the fourth day, the item will be removed and you will receive an email notifying you the item is being held in Mailing Services for pick up.
For items that do not need to be refrigerated or frozen, they will be kept in Mailing Services for an additional seven days. You will receive another string of emails each day for seven days reminding you that you have an item to be picked up. If the item is not picked up during that timeframe, the item will be returned to the sender.
Mailing Services has appropriate refrigeration/freezer units. Your package will be kept in Mailing Services and will be available for pick up during business hours.
Please pick up ASAP as refrigerator/freezer space is limited. Items that require refrigeration, or if they are frozen, will only be kept for three days. After three days they will be returned to the sender.
The parcel lockers are available 24/7.
Parking is available in the parking spots marked for Visitors in D Lot on the north side of Fitz. Please park in the proper location and follow parking instructions.
Your package will be kept in Mailing Services. You will receive an email regarding your package and when you can pick it up from Mailing Services at Fitz Hall.
The University bus system will be available to transport you and your package. Check shuttle page on Porches for the route and schedule for specific times of transportation.
Or you can schedule a time to have your package delivered to your residence hall. You will need to be at the front desk to sign for your package at the agreed upon time.
Letter mail that is sent from home or a personal address will be scanned into our tracking system and contain a SQBX tracking number. Each piece of letter mail will be placed in a locker for your security. You will be notified you have a letter in the same manner as you would for a package. The same time limits that apply to packages also apply to letter mail.
Please call 937-229-3844 during business hours and a Mailing Services representative will assist you.
Please reference the Health and Safety section of the current housing contract for a list of prohibited items.
The lockers are very secure. Only the student will receive the email that pertains to their package or letter mail placed in the locker. It is not shared with anyone else. The building is very safe, especially since Public Safety is located just down the hall and there are cameras in each hallway.
Physical assistance is available during business hours. There is a buzzer located at wheelchair height by the Mailing Services green door. Ring the buzzer to notify University Mailing personnel that assistance is necessary.
Individuals can also calll Mailing Services at 937-229-3844 during business hours for assistance.
Medications, eyewear and textbooks
Packages containing these items take precedence. Mailing Services makes every effort to identify these items and they will be put in lockers that same day as soon as one is available. If by the end of the day a locker is not available, Mailing Services will hold the item and send a separate email stating the package is available in Mailing Services for pick up during business hours.
Whenever possible, flowers should be delivered to the appropriate residence hall by the delivery person, if local. Flowers coming from 1800flowers are trackable through the carrier (i.e. UPS or FedEx) and will be received by Mailing Services. The student will be notified of the delivery via email and can pick up the flowers from Mailing Services during business hours.
Certified mail
Students will be emailed that they have a certified mail item. This type of mail will be kept in Mailing Services, since it usually has to be signed for (green card is signed and sent back to the sender via USPS). The items can be picked up at Mailing Services during business hours.
Houses, Campus South, Gardens, Irving Commons and Lawnview Apartments are not affected by the locker system.
These students should be aware that when there is a break on campus (spring, Easter, summer, Christmas, etc.) their packages and letter mail will be received at Mailing Services by all carriers.
Students will be notified by email when they have a package at our location. This is to protect their item from being stolen off their premises. Letter mail is sent back to the USPS for distribution once school is back in session or forwarded to the home address in Porches during the summer.
Yes. LYFT operates from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. seven days a week. The university provides a $6 dollar subsidy for each ride taken. Students can use LYFT for package pickup during normal LYFT hours of operation.
Yes. The daily shuttle will stop at Fitz hall three times per day, at 10:20 a.m., 1:20 p.m. and 4:10 p.m.