Hanley Sustainability Institute

HSI education team seeks volunteers from all majors to inform fellow students about sustainability
By Mark Gokavi
The Hanley Sustainability Institute’s education team is seeking volunteers from all majors to inform fellow students about sustainability.
“Have you ever been to a Flyers Go Green presentation or participated in a Conscious Living Chat? These are run by the Sustainability Activation Program (SAP) at HSI and we are currently looking for more volunteers from all majors in peer education,” said HSI student leader Claire Sullivan. “Our mission is to educate the UD community on the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. Our current volunteers come from all majors and years and play a major role in the success of the program.”
Sullivan said interested students can watch this video to learn more about what the education team does such as facilitating “Flyers Go Green” events, the conscious living chats and other outreach opportunities.
“The requirement is 1-3 hours per week consisting of weekly team meetings, presentations and outreach opportunities,” Sullivan said. “Volunteers gain experience with public speaking, collaborating with UD faculty and staff, and strong leadership skills. In addition, they can enjoy being a part of a motivated group of students who care a lot about sustainability.”
Information sessions will be held from 3-3:30 p.m. Oct. 25th and 7-7:30 p.m. Nov. 1 at this Zoom link. Applications will close at 11:59 p.m. Nov. 10. Interviews will be the week of Nov. 16th.
The education team said anyone with questions can contact hsileaders@udayton.edu.
For more sustainability news and information, visit HSI’s news blog, the Hanley Sustainability Institute website and the sustainability program website.