Mary in the News: Aug. 22, 2019
By Michael Duricy
Read recent items about Mary in both Catholic and secular news. Also, see International Marian Research Institute as well as Marian Library news and updates.
Marian Library and International Marian Research Institute Features
You are invited to the Thesis defense for the Licentiate of Sacred Theology of Father John-Luke Stahr with the International Marian Research Institute (IMRI) Friday, August 30, 2019 starting at 1:30 p.m. in Roesch Library room 501.
Mary's Contemplation of the Eucharist: A Study of the Mariology of Jean Gerson Found in His Commentary on the Magnificat
You are welcome to attend and also to offer prayerful good wishes for Father John-Luke. A reception will follow the defense. If you plan to attend, it would be helpful to RSVP by email to by Noon on Wednesday, August 28, 2019.
Mary in Media: Books, Films, Music, etc.
The Queen: A Glimpse of What is Coming
Beginning in May, 1950, with its foundation by de Montfort Fathers, Roger Charest and Francis Tomai, and continuing through December, 2006, Queen of All Hearts Magazine was a constant source of spiritual nourishment and support for the members of the Association. Published bi-monthly, The Queen, as the magazine was commonly named, was a welcome visitor to the mailboxes and homes of our members--welcome not only for the gift of spiritual wisdom it brought, but also for the way it allowed us to be connected both to the members of the Company of Mary in the United States and around the world and to our spiritual brothers and sisters in the Association.
As we approach the seventy year anniversary for these spiritual treasures, The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts (QoAH), and Montfort Publications, are refreshing and republishing these treasures. Fifty-six years of spiritual guidance and a means to connect each of QoAH’s members, we will start slowly in republishing and refreshing this spiritual information.
Initially, we will start with three areas: The Queen: Articles, The Queen: Questions and Answers, and The Queen: What Total Consecration Means to Me! More information will be forthcoming soon!
From the Marian Treasure Chest
Brother John Samaha, S.M., sent us the text below with the following comments: "Greetings and blessings for the feast of the Queenship of Mary on August 22."
Queenship of Mary by Brother John Samaha, S.M.
Renew consecration, vow of stability
Queenship/queen not a common American governance idea
Pius XII - Ad Caeli Reginam
Annunciation offers the first allusion to Mary as Queen
Angel Gabriel announces her son will be king of the house of Jacob forever
She will be Queen Mother
Earliest allusions begin with third century Fathers of the Church
Jesus is King by nature as God
Mary is Queen by grace
Mary is Queen by maternal relationship to Jesus
Chosen by God for this unique relationship
Jesus had no human father
Pius XII
Nothing is excluded from her dominion
Mediatrix of all graces
She can obtain from her Son any favor
OT - 1 Kings 2:20
Mother of the king had the power to obtain any reasonable favor
Solomon seated his mother Bathsheba on a throne at his right
"Make your request, Mother, for I will not refuse you."
Here is an Old Testament type of Our Lady
Jesus, our Lord and King, does not refuse his Mother anything
Ask and you will receive.
Marian Events
Title: Miracles of France
Dates: September 12-20, 2019
Location: France with stops in Belgium
Join "Miracle Hunter" Michael O'Neill at sites of miracles in France and Belgium.
See places of apparitions at Lourdes, Miraculous Medal, Sacred Heart, Pontmain, Beauraing, Banneux and more.
Join Relevant Radio® and EWTN® television host and Our Sunday Visitor author "Miracle Hunter" Michael O'Neill and Father John Broussard, CPM, rector of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help (the only approved Marian apparition site in the US) in exploring the miracles of France and Belgium!
Travel to the famed site of Lourdes with its Marian apparitions and healing waters, the place where St. Margaret Mary Alocoque experienced visions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the location where the popular Miraculous Medal was supernaturally inspired, and the spots of the twentieth-century Vatican-recognized Marian apparitions of Belgium (Our Lady of Beauraing and Our Lady of Banneux). See other major Marian apparition sites like Our Lady of Hope (Pontmain) and Our Lady of the Green Scapular, the Eucharistic Miracles of Douai and Brussels, and the incorruptible bodies of St. Bernadette Soubirous in Nevers and St. Catherine Laboure in Paris. Daily Mass and spiritual reflections will be offered along the pilgrimage route.
Mary in the Catholic Press
Mary, Our Refugee in Most Difficult Moments, Says Pope on Memorial of Mary's Queenship (Zenit) August 22, 2018
The Blessed Virgin Mary is a "refuge in the most difficult moments."
Pope Francis gave this powerful reminder on August 22, 2018, on the Feast Day of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Toward the end of the General Audience held in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall today, the Holy Father, as usual, offered some special words to young people, the elderly, the sick and newlyweds.
"May the Mother of God be your refuge in the most difficult moments and may she teach you to love her Son with the tenderness and exclusivity with which she loved Him," he prayed.
Mary in the Secular Press
Egypt's Christians and Muslims Show Devotion to Virgin Mary ( August 19, 2019
Christian tradition says that after Jesus was born, his parents fled with Him to Egypt to escape death. Eventually they returned to their home in what was then known as the kingdom of Judea, and one of their last stops in Egypt was said to be at a cave in the Dronka mountains. Thousands of devotees of the Virgin Mary travel to the Virgin Mary Monastery near Assiut, Egypt every August to show their devotion to the holy family. Christian children are baptized and adults hope for blessings....