Mary in the News: June 17, 2019
By Michael Duricy
Read recent items about Mary in both Catholic and secular news. Also, see International Marian Research Institute as well as Marian Library news and updates.
Marian Library and International Marian Research Institute Features
Marian Library Archivist to Receive National Honor
Jillian Ewalt, librarian for visual resources at the Marian Library, is the 2019 recipient of the Sister M. Claude Lane, O.P., Memorial Award given by the Society of American Archivists (SAA) in conjunction with the Society of Southwest Archivists.
The award will be presented at a ceremony during the Joint Annual Meeting of the Council of State Archivists and SAA in Austin, Texas, July 31-Aug. 6, 2019. The award honors an archivist who has made a significant contribution to the field of religious archives.
Mary in Media: Books, Films, Music, etc.
Link to Accessible Recording of Marian Forum 8
Marian Forum 8 - Mary's Place in Our Lives: From Marian Culture to Spirituality took place on April 5, 2019 and was a success. A recorded version with closed captions is now available online. Feel free to have a look if you missed the live event or would like to see it again
From the Marian Treasure Chest
Brother John Samaha, S.M., sent us the text below with the following comments: "A Reflection on the Head of the Holy Family for Father's Day."
Look to Saint Joseph by Brother John Samaha, S.M.
Are we inadvertently overlooking St. Joseph? Do we unintentionally ignore him? Neglect him? Relegate him to the background? This seems to be the case in Holy Scripture, in public and personal prayer, in preaching and teaching, in memory.
The reserved, quiet, unassuming husband of Mary and guardian of Jesus remained in the background as he faithfully and silently cooperated in God's plan for the Incarnation and Redemption. We have few depictions of him in prominent roles with Jesus and Mary.
Joseph is the almost forgotten player in the infancy narratives and early years of the Holy Family. Because the writers of the New Testament overlook him, this is understandable. Joseph is given short shrift. He is virtually ignored. Is this the treatment we are giving to the person who played such a momentous role in salvation history?
We're dealing with the man who saved Jesus from Herod's ugly plot, who provided for Him and His Mother, who taught Jesus a trade, who formed Him in His Judaic heritage.
Meet St. Joseph, ignored by history and often overlooked even today. This quiet giant rose to the occasion and relied on God's grace to guide him. Puzzled and bewildered he found himself in a situation he did not fathom. Yet he stood firm, happy to be in the background.
Like St. John the Baptizer, cousin of his foster Son, we know very little about St. Joseph. Like Mary, Joseph's faith leads him to accept God's invitation and to enter into God's plan. He accepts God's plan for him to care for Jesus and Mary. In doing so, he models for us how to listen to God and to respond. He stepped up to stand by Mary and Jesus.
Just as the 'Ave Maria' hails Mary and her role, we should also honor Joseph with an 'Ave Joseph'. Hail Joseph, full of faith. The Lord is with you. You lovingly fulfilled God's will for Mary and Jesus and for our redemption.
St. Joseph deserves better press. After all, he is the man closest to Jesus and the spouse of Mary.
Marian Events
Theme: Marie dans l’avenir de notre Église
Date: samedi 6 juillet 2019
Location: Sanctuaire marial national Notre-Dame-du-Cap
You are all invited by Msgr. Frank Leo to this French-language Congress
Pour couvrir les frais liés à l’organisation du congrès, nous vous suggérons une simple contribution de 25 $ par personne à remettre au moment de l’inscription. La journée se passera surtout dans la salle Mazenod à l’hôtel La Madone (10, rue Denis-Caron, Trois-Rivières, Québec, G8T 3W9), sauf pour la Messe qui sera célébrée au petit sanctuaire.
Vous avez le choix, pour le dîner, d’aller à la cafétéria de l’hôtel La Madone (17 $/repas; vous êtes prié de communiquer avec la réception au 819-375-4997 pour confirmer votre présence); ou à la cafétéria du Sanctuaire ou encore d’apporter votre lunch et manger sur le terrain du Sanctuaire aux endroits réservés à cela. Pour d’autres renseignements, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous par courriel à notre site web:
En terminant, nous aimerions simplement réitérer la joie et l’enthousiasme de ce beau Congrès marial et notre vif désir de vous y accueillir, avec vos proches et vos ami(e)s, pour passer une belle journée d’été sereine avec Marie, notre Mère.
Mary in the Catholic Press
'May the Virgin Mary Defend the Nobility of Us Latin Americans,' Prays Pope Francis (Zenit) May 29, 2019
Pope Francis has prayed the Virgin Mary defend the nobility of Latin Americans.... He stressed this when receiving a group of young pilgrims from Panama, where the Argentine Pontiff visited in January for the occasion of the World Youth Day, today, June 13, 2019, in the Vatican.
Much of Francis' remarks focused on the "nobility" he found in their nation. He also reflected on how important it is to thank others, the best approaches to surviving a marriage, and underscored how important it is to keep intergenerational ties strong....
Mary in the Secular Press
Is this mysterious artwork in Florence Leonardo da Vinci's only surviving sculpture? (Lonely Planet) March 19, 2019
Italian scholars recently discovered what they believe to be Leonardo da Vinci's only surviving sculpture. The terracotta work of art, known as The Virgin with the Laughing Child, spent more than 150 years on display in London's Victoria and Albert Museum and, up until now, was credited to another artist.
Art scholars believe that The Virgin with the Laughing Child is the work of Leonardo da Vinci and is the Grand Master's only known surviving sculpture. The 20-inch-tall sculpture, made of red clay, is currently on display in Florence as part of the exhibition Verrochio: Master of Leonardo at Palazzo Strozzi. It's normally housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, where it has been on display since 1858 and credited to another artist, the Italian sculptor Antonio Rossellino....