
Mary in the News: Oct. 9, 2018
By Michael Duricy
Read recent items about Mary in both Catholic and secular news. Also, see International Marian Research Institute news and updates.
Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute Features
2019 Annual Conference of the MSA: Call for Papers
The Mariological Society of America, (MSA) invites proposals for its May 14-17, 2019 Annual Conference to be held at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in Attleboro, Massachusetts. on the theme: The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Call to Holiness.
Please send abstracts by October 15, 2018 to Father Frederick Miller (frederickmiller@shu.ecu) and Dr. Robert Fastiggi ( The abstract should be about 350-500 words and should include sources and an explanation of how the proposal relates to the theme of the conference. - More Information
Mary in Media: Books, Films, Music, etc.
Book Suggestion
Since October is the Month of the Rosary, allow us to suggest a good book on the topic, The Rosary: The John Paul II Method by Robert Feeney. The 80-page Revised Second Edition was published in 2017 by Aquinas Press and may be purchased online for $3.00 per copy.
This book by Robert Feeney captures John Paul II's vision of the rosary as a contemplative prayer. It will introduce you to the origin of the rosary and show how the rosary can lead to the "springtime of the human spirit." It will help you to develop effective meditations when contemplating the mysteries of Christ. This book opens the door to a spiritual life enriched by the rosary and will help you train for holiness like an athlete trains for sport.
From the Marian Treasure Chest
Brother John Samaha, S.M., sent us the text below with the following comments: "A Special Marianist Feast."
October 12--Our Lady of the Pillar by Brother John Samaha, S.M.
The feast of Our Lady of the Pillar, which is celebrated on October 12, plays a key role in Marianist beginnings.
While in exile near Mary's shrine in Saragossa, Spain, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, deeply imbued with the spirit of faith and filial piety to Mary, was inspired to found the Marianist Family.
Saint James the Greater, brother of Saint John the Evangelist, preached the Gospel during the first century in the Saragossa area along the Ebro River, but with little success. Eight men whom he had converted worked with him. The tide turned in the Christianization of Spain with the intervention of Our Lady in their efforts. She was still alive in Jerusalem.
Father Joseph Simler, Fourth Superior General of the Marianists, advanced the Marianist celebration of this feast. To this day most Spaniards--men and women--carry a medal of Our Lady of the Pillar.
Marian Events
Event: Fourteenth Annual Family Rosary Rally
Location: Church of the Immaculate Conception, 2300 S. Smithville Road, Dayton, OH
Date: Sunday, October 14, 2018 - 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Formerly at U.D. Arena, Bishop Joseph R. Binzer will lead the fourteeth annual Family Rosary Rally. Prelude music begins at 2 p.m., Adoration and rosary at 2:30, Benediction follows. All are welcome.
Mary in the Catholic Press
During Angelus, Pope Says: "With Mary's Help, Discover the Lord in Our Midst." [Full Text] (Zenit) September 30, 2018
May Mary help us discover the Lord in our midst, even in the most unthinkable and unusual situations....
Pope Francis gave this reminder during his Angelus Address on Sept. 30, 2018, reflecting on the need for openness and freedom in proclaiming the Gospel.
In his remarks, the Pope stressed: "God's great freedom in giving himself to us is a challenge and an exhortation to change our attitudes and our relationships."
The Holy Father prayed: "May the Virgin Mary, model of docile reception of God's surprises, help us to recognize the signs of the Lord's presence in our midst, discovering Him wherever He manifests Himself, also in the most unthinkable and unusual situations.”
"May she teach us to love our community without jealousies and closures, always open to the vast horizon of the action of the Holy Spirit...."
Mary in the Secular Press
The director and editors of All About Mary under the auspices of the International Marian Research Institute do not necessarily endorse or agree with the events and ideas expressed in this feature. Our sole purpose is to report on items about Mary gleaned from a myriad of papers representing the secular press.
Thousands Gather to Pray Rosary at Poland's Borders (Catholic News Agency) October 9, 2018
On Saturday, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, thousands of Polish Catholics gathered along their country's border to pray for peace, as well as for the future and salvation of Poland and the world.
The event, entitled "Rosary at the Borders," was organized by a lay movement called the Solo Dios Basta Foundation (God Alone Suffices). It was supported by the Polish Bishop's Conference and was sponsored by several state-owned companies. Approximately ninety percent of the country, beloved home of the Polish Pope, St. John Paul II, identifies as Catholic.
According to the New York Times, participants gathered for prayer at 320 churches near the border of Poland as well as in 4,000 designated prayer zones....