
In the News: Oct. 3, 2016
By Michael Duricy
Read recent items about Mary in both Catholic and secular news. Also see International Marian Research Institute news and updates.
Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute Features
Call for Papers for the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary--USA
ESBVM-USA July 2017 Conference Call for Papers
The Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary USA (ESBVM USA) exists to advance the study of Mary, the Mother of Christ, in Christian biblical and spiritual perspectives, and in the light of such study, to promote ecumenical interchange and prayer. Its aim is to show that in Mary, Christians of many traditions may find a focus in their search for unity. The ESBVM was formed by Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Orthodox, and Presbyterian Scholars and is open to all Christians.
PROPOSAL DUE DATE: December 1, 2016
Conference Theme: "Mary, Disciple of the Lord: Prayer and Holiness"
Conference Dates: July 12 – 15, 2017 (Wed. evening through Sat. morning).
Conference Location: Misericordia University in Dallas, PA (near Scranton)
Submission Guidelines and Requirements:
The paper proposal should be in DOC or DOCX and must include:
- Presentation Title
- Presenter's name, professional affiliation (e.g., university or church name), and status (undergrad, grad. student, Ph.D. candidate, faculty, pastor, etc.)
- Contact information (e-mail address, daytime telephone)
- Abstract (350-500 words)
- Equipment needs.
The overall theme for the conference is "Mary, Disciple of the Lord: Prayer and Holiness." This theme may be approached through a variety of avenues appropriate to your field of study, interests, and particular Christian tradition. The following are some suggestions for different scriptural, systematic, anthropological, liturgical, artistic or historical approaches to help get you started. This is not an exhaustive list, so please feel free to add to it.
Scriptural study of Mary's "pondering" in Luke 2:19 or the Magnificat in Luke 1:46-55
Historical or systematic study of writings by the Early Church Fathers on Mary and prayer, holiness, and the interior life
Historical study of Mary as a model of prayer and holiness in a particular tradition, such as Anglicanism
The thoughts of Protestant reformers on Mary as a holy example
Contemporary developments in Protestant thought and practice regarding Mary as an example of holiness for Christians, new Lutheran Marian feast days, or ecumenical Marian celebrations such as those at the shrine in Walsingham, England on the Feast of the Assumption
Commentary on a particular contemporary theologian or author who wrote about Marian prayer and/or Mary as an example of holiness
The theology of particular Marian prayers
Marian references in the liturgy
Mary as teacher of prayer and advancement in the interior life for contemporary society
Mary's holiness as portrayed in the visual, performing, or literary arts
Please submit proposals to the review committee at
TOPMary in Media: Books, Films, Music, etc.
New Book on Mary: Meet Your Mother
Authored by Dr. Mark Miravalle, a professor who has taught and written about Mary for over twenty-five years, Meet Your Mother: An Introduction to Mary is a good tool for introducing someone to the life and truth about Jesus' Mother, and also to renew a person's existing knowledge and love for the woman who brought Jesus into the world, the one Jesus gave personally to every human being with his dying words: "This is your mother." Click here for more information or to order copies from Lighthouse Catholic Media.
From the Marian Treasure Chest
Brother John M. Samaha, S.M., sent us the text below with the following comments: "What's in a name?"
Christian Names by Brother John M. Samaha, S.M.
Giving newborn children the name of a Christian saint originated early in the first millennium. Beginning in France and Germany, the practice spread throughout Europe by the thirteenth century. Only the name of Jesus was held in reserve, with one exception. Spanish-speaking people showed no reluctance to using the name of Jesus for their sons.
Ireland moved to the other extreme. No Christian names for men or for women can be found in ancient Irish documents.
Just as Spanish-speakers brought the name of Jesus into their families, so did girls receive the name of Mary by using some of her personal privileges and liturgical titles. Among the more common Spanish names are:
Asuncion (Assumption)
Conception, Concha, Conchita (Immaculate Conception)
Consuelo (Our Lady of Good Counsel)
Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Gracia (Our Lady of Grace)
Luz (Our Lady of Light)
Paz (Our Lady of Peace)
Pura (Virgin Most Pure)
Stella (Star of the Sea)
Victoria (Our Lady of Victory)
What's in your name?
TOPMarian Events
Family Rosary Rally
Date: Sunday, October 9, 2016, 3-4 pm
Where: University of Dayton Arena, 1801 Edwin C. Moses Boulevard, Dayton, Ohio 45408
Father Chris Worland will be the presider at the Dayton Family Rosary Rally XII. Prelude music will start at 2:30 pm. The main program will include Eucharistic Exposition, Benediction, and a live Rosary. Click here for details.
Mary in the Catholic Press
Twenty-fourth Marian International Congress Concludes in Fatima from Zenit September 22, 2016
The twenty-fourth Mariological Marian International Congress was held at the Blessed Pope Paul VI Pastoral Center in Fatima from September 6-11, 2016 under the theme: The Fatima event a hundred years later--History, message and relevance, and presided over by the Special Envoy of the Holy Father, His Eminence Cardinal Jose Antonio Saraiva Martins, Prefect emeritus of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. The Congress was to integrate the initiatives promoted by the Shrine of Fatima in order to celebrate the first centennial of the apparitions of Fatima 1917-2017.
The Pontifical Marian International Academy (PAMI) in unison with the Sanctuary of Fatima invited the 500 delegates made up of specialists and scholars in Mariology from around the world to study the series of apparitions which occurred in Fatima and to see the results of the rigorous and critical updated study of the inherent documentation of the events.
The Pontifical Academy (along with the Sanctuary of Fatima) has just published a selection of the critical documentation of Fatima from 1917 to 1930....
Click here to read the complete article.
Mary in the Secular Press
The director and editors of All About Mary under the auspices of the International Marian Research Institute do not necessarily endorse or agree with the events and ideas expressed in this feature. Our sole purpose is to report on items about Mary gleaned from a myriad of papers representing the secular press.
Mercy, A Chance for Life: A Five-week Online Retreat (Press Release) September 2, 2016
Given the success of the online retreats entitled, Source of Living Water and In the Heart of the World, which have been available since 2015 on the Congrégation de Notre-Dame website, Sister Marie Azzarello and Sister Rachel Gaudreau are back! As this Jubilee Year of Mercy draws to a close, the online retreat Mercy, A Chance for Life invites us to take time to become more conscious of God's tender mercy in our lives. The new online retreat will be launched on September 25 with new content added throughout the five-week period. Once the retreat is completed, it will permanently remain on the Congrégation de Notre-Dame's website for retreatants to return to or to experience at a time best suited to them. Participants are welcome to write to Sister Marie and Sister Rachel.
The retreat, Mercy, A Chance for Life, offers writings and reflections of Marie and Rachel, of Pope Francis and other authors, and invites us to look into our lives and contemplate God. Like the vinedresser and the seemingly barren fig tree (Lk 13:1-9), God wants to give us another chance to bear fruit. The mandalas created by Rachel will also enrich our reflection. The word mandala means "circle." To enter within the circle of the mandala inspired by the Word of God will nourish the reflection and help us access our fruitfulness so that we may better answer the call to our mission. We wish you a pleasant journey.
Les Soeurs de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame
2330 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC H3H 1G8
Stéphanie Manseau,
Director of Communication Services
Congrégation de Notre-Dame
Telephone: (514) 931-5891 ext. 236