
Weekly Features: August 17, 2015
The Memorial of Mary's Queenship – August 22
The Marian Library/International Research Institute has compiled several resources from our website on this subject. We have broken them down into categories such as Liturgy, Devotion, Prayer and more. Scroll down through the listing for all of the content.
Also, see this shorter list of timely material which also includes August commemoration days:
What is the origin and meaning of the liturgical celebration of Mary as a queen?
Marian Thoughts of Pope Francis
Can you comment on St. Bernard’s comparison of Mary to a channel?
What is the origin of the Marian title of the Immaculate Heart of Mary?
What is the origin and meaning of the liturgical celebration of Mary as a queen? On August 22, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates a memorial in honor of the Queenship of Mary. This memorial is placed in the octave of the Assumption.
Pope Pius XII and Our Lady – It is generally held by scholars that Pope Pius XII made very significant and notable contributions to Marian theology, public piety and devotion to Our Lady: Rev. Matthew R. Mauriello.
Blessed Chaminade Vignette 25, TODAY'S CHURCH ECHOES CHAMINADE – Recent writings of theologians and popes have stressed the universal role of Mary in the life of the Church. An increasing awareness of the universality of Mary's relation to all persons….
Mary's Apostolic Mission Chaminade's Contribution to Mariology – Biographical and historical background.
Why do we call Mary Queen? Assumption and Coronation must be sharply distinguished. Whereas the assumption has been the object of dogmatic definition (1950), the coronation of Mary has never been more than a pious advocation (rosary), an iconographic motif (since the twelfth century) and a devotional custom (coronation of Mary statues known already in the early Middle Ages). However, the coronation points to a Marian title known in Christian tradition since from the beginning of the fourth century.
Coronation of Mary – Since the Council of Nicea in 787, the Church has often asserted that it is lawful to venerate images of Christ, Mary and the saints. This is an ancient practice of the Christian churches....
The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary (includes the Coronation) –
Articles in Marian Studies – Includes several articles on the Queenship of Mary.
Madonna and Child: The Development of Christian Symbolism, 50 min,1992. Contact the Marian Library at
Image shown: The Adoration of the Lamb (detail), Hubert Van Eyck