Weekly Features: Week of July 20, 2015
This week's content highlights Mary's parents, Saints Ann and Joachim, as well as delving into Mary's life.
Resources for the Memorial of Saints Ann and Joachim
Does the liturgy give us any hints about Mary's life?
Did Saint Ann teach Mary how to read?
The Holy Kindred
The Golden Rose
The Twelve Star Devotion
July Commenmoration Days
July 26
Who are Mary's parents?
The story of Mary's birth and details about her aging parents, Joachim and Anne, come from apocryphal writings known as the Protoevangelium of James the Lesser that was written by an unknown author.
Where was Mary born?
According to old traditions, Mary was born in Jerusalem. Joachim is said to have been the owner of a home in the vicinity of the temple, more precisely near the Sheep Gate and its pool called in Hebrew, "Bethesda."
Did Mary have any brothers or sisters?
As it stands, the sources dealing with the life of Ann, Joachim and Mary do not mention brothers and sisters of Our Lord's mother.
What do we know about Mary's life?
Includes a possible timeline.
What do we know about Mary's life from apocryphal sources?
There are a number of ancient texts not in the canon of Sacred Scripture which claim to present details about the life of Mary. The Protoevangelium Jacobi (First Gospel of James) (ca. 150) ....
What are the aspects of Mary’s person and life, which are related by the various apocryphal writings?
Scripture is tight-lipped regarding details of Mary’s personality and life. It speaks only to the essentials of her religious vocation and role ....
Video Available
Saints Anne and Joachim: Grandparents of Jesus, 30 min., 1998.
If interested in borrowing, contact the Marian Library at 937-229-4214 or
Image shown: Saints Anna and Joachim, Francesco Botticini, c. 1460, Brooklyn Museum