University Libraries
Assumption of Mary
In honor of the upcoming Feast of the Assumption August 15 we are sharing pages from a miniature facsimile of Munificentissimus Deus, the Apostolic constitution written by Pope Pius XII declaring the Assumption of Mary as a dogma.
The Feast of the Assumption has been observed for close to 1,500 years. It started in Jerusalem, according to the New Catholic Encyclopedia. Around 650 the feast was accepted at Rome and spread west. However, not until 65 years ago, on November 1, 1950, was Mary’s Assumption into heaven made official doctrine by Pope Pius XII.
The pages of the decree shown here are the frontispiece and the title page. The document is 22 pages long, handwritten in Latin.
The facsimile of Munificentissimus Deus is available in the Marian Library. Please check our calendar and visit us. The university, and therefore the library, close in honor of the Feast of the Assumption August 14.
- Joan Milligan, Catalog and Metadata Specialist; images prepared by Nichole Rustad, Digital Projects and Graphic Design Manager