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For Students

Fellowships and Scholarships

The Daniel J. Curran Family Scholarship Fund for International Human Rights Education, Research and Advocacy

Are you a University of Dayton undergraduate planning to participate in university-sponsored human rights programs or service activities abroad, particularly in Africa, Asia, or Latin America, during summer of 2025?

Don't miss your chance to apply for the Curran Family Scholarship, designed to support students as they engage in hands-on global human rights work.

The Scholarship will Include a variety of required program activities that facilitate learning, Including participating in pre-departure and post-trip programming organized by the Human Rights Center.

  • Funding can be used to support UD-sponsored international human rights and service programs (including ETHOS) in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Applications are for individual students and will not apply toward a group fund­raising  effort.
  • Financial need will be determined by FAFSA for all U.S. students and will be based on available  information at the time  of the application. Students who do not demonstrate financial need according to their FAFSA but with extenuating circumstances may submit a detailed essay explaining their circumstances. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  International students will establish need based on financial documentation submitted for immigration records and a letter from their parent/guardian describing the family financial situation.
  • All other grants and aid that are received and applied towards the international experience  will be taken into consideration by the committee when considering awards.

  • Full-time undergraduate student in good disciplinary standing with the university
  • Submit an application proposal with a detailed description of the proposed activity, including budget and timetable, as well as pertinent background and skills. Only one proposal per cycle may be submitted. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • Share the results of their international experience with the campus community in a public forum (e.g., Human Rights Fellowship showcase, Stander Symposium, campus presentation) upon their return to the U.S.
  • Participate in pre and post-trip programming organized by the Human Rights Center.
  • Submit photos/videos and a brief blog of your experience to the Human Rights Center at, copying, which will be published on the Human Rights Center website not more than one month after your planned trip.

  • The proposed overseas experience must demonstrate a clear connection with human rights /sustainability/service while also aligning with students' academic goals
  • The experience should offer an immersive learning opportunity that allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world issues, particularly in the areas of social justice, environmental sustainability, and community development.
  • Quality  of student  proposal/application
  • Financial needs
  • Education abroad destination (priority given to students  pursuing  activities  in traditionally underrepresented locations in education  abroad)
  • Total cost of the program
  • Award received from other scholarship funds (Hull, GIA summer scholarship, and the Tobias Scholarship).

  • An application proposal must be submitted by the following deadlines to be considered by the review committee:
    • 11:59pm on February 1 for Summer experiences
Applicants will be reviewed and selected by the Human Rights Center in consultation with the Office of Financial Aid.  Students will be eligible to receive the award only one time as a University student.

Linda C. Majka Fellowship

The Linda C. Majka Fellowship supports a current student to engage in human rights research and advocacy in the local Dayton community. The focus of this work is assisting migrants and refugees in overcoming barriers to thriving. The fellow will function as a researcher and intern at the Center and will work as part of a collaboration with the Law School and in partnership with community organizations serving migrants and refugees.

Linda Cafeo Majka (1947-2014)

Linda received her B.A. in Economics from the College of William and Mary and her M.A. and PhD in Sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. She joined the University of Dayton faculty in fall 1981, and had a special impact on both UD and the Dayton community. She wrote extensively on human rights, social inequality, social movements, women’s issues, and immigrant integration. Professor Majka was one of the founders of the Women's and Gender Studies Program and Human Rights Studies Program at UD. Linda had a burning passion for justice, which was illustrated in her extensive work with the Dayton community. Specifically, Linda and Theo Majka’s research on the needs of the immigrant and refugee communities contributed to the transformation of Dayton into an “immigrant friendly” city, and helped inform policies throughout the community.


Participating in a Cross-Cultural Summer Immersion through the Center for Social Concern is a unique way to expand education beyond the classroom, into a new culture and a new way of thinking. 

  • ANT 325: Anthropology of Human Rights
  • ANT 352: Cultures of Latin America
  • ANT/SOC 368: Immigration and Immigrants
  • ECO 471: Labor Economics
  • HST 336: History of Africa I
  • HST 357: Modern Latin America
  • HST 378: Immigration History
  • HST 389: Italian Diaspora
  • UDI 206: Pilgrimage and Migration
  • PHL 379: Latin American Philosophy
  • REL 330: Faith of Immigrants
  • SOC 328: Racial and Ethnic Relations
  • SOC 342: Social Movements
  • SWK 360: International Social Work
  • SSC 200: A number of sections tackle immigration issues 

Graduate/Law Grants


The Human Rights Center supports research and advocacy on pressing human rights issues around the world and locally. The Center also is a key stakeholder of the University of Dayton’s engagement with the UN Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals

More Information

Explore the advocacy and research projects conducted around the world and locally by graduate and law students supported by this fellowship.

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