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Flyer Forum Series

Social Change Through Non-Violence

As a part of the HRC’s Endowment for Education in Non-Violence, we present a series of Flyer Forums on human rights-related topics. These virtual forums seek to engage students and others in dialogue about critical issues and non-violent means to support social change. 


Flyer Forum 4:

Environmental Racism

This session will take place on Thursday, April 29, 2021. More information about this Forum and a link to register can be found below.

our purpose

Continuing UD's tradition of dialogue around urgent issues affecting our nation and our community.

Flyer Forum 4: Environmental Racism

April 29, 3:35-5:15 pm

Building on insights achieved through this year's Romero Human Rights Award and Moral Courage Project, this Forum will address the effects of environmental racism in our community, along with practical steps for taking action. 

Opportunity Maps from Miami Valley Public Health (2015)

Opportunity Mapping allows for the visualization of varying levels of access to opportunities that exist within a region and can serve as a tool for community engagement, planning and development.

  • Learn about the varying levels in access to opportunities in communities across the Miami Valley by visiting this link

Racial and Gender Disparities in Evictions

The Eviction Lab at Princeton University has built the first nationwide database of evictions in order to better understand the causes and consequences of eviction in the United States. 

Environmental Racism is the New Jim Crow

Communities of color face disproportionate rates of natural disaster and environmental harm. In this video, staff writer Vann R. Newkirk II argues that discrimination in public planning is to blame. “Pollution and the risk of disaster are assigned to black and brown communities through generations of discrimination and political neglect,” says Newkirk II. The environment is a system controlled and designed by people—and people can be racist.


Flyer Forum 3: Hate & Its Remedies

February 18th, 3:35 - 5:15 pm

Recent political events in the US and globally have highlighted the problem of hate in modern societies. This dialogue will give students, faculty, and community members in Greater Dayton the opportunity to join a structured conversation about hate and its remedies. 

Report Acts of Hate and Bias on Campus
  1. If you live in a residence hall, start by reporting to your RA or another staff member. 
  2. Report to Equity Compliance here or call 937-299-3622.
  3. Call public safety for immediate concerns at 937-229-2121.
  4. If you are a victim of a hate crime, remember that there are members of the Dayton community here to love and support you! By reporting a hate crime or bias incident, you may prevent someone else from becoming a victim.
Act; Do Something. “In the face of hatred, apathy will be interpreted as acceptance by the perpetrators, the public, and worse - the victims.” -SPLC
  1. This could be as simple as starting a conversation with your neighbors and friends about recent acts of hate.
  2. Sign a petition, attend a vigil, lead a prayer.
  3. Help repair acts of vandalism in your community.
  4. Use your own skills to offer help and be creative. (For example, maybe you’re good at making fliers. Offer your services to an upcoming event meant to  combat or educate on hate.’
Support Victims of Hate Crimes
  1. Show support to any victims of hate crimes that you know of within your community and surround them with comfort and protection. 
  2. Silence amplifies a victim’s isolation.
  3. “Victims need a strong, timely message that they are valued” - SPLC
  4. Could look like a small act of kindness - a phone call, letter, or social media support (when appropriate)
  5. Offer support throughout institutional processes, like reporting hate crimes or even when testifying
Take an Iimplicit Association Test (IAT) at Project Implicit Created by Harvard University here
  1. These evidence-based and well-researched tests will allow you to measure your own implicit bias on a variety of categories (i.e. sexuality, race, religion, etc.).
  2. While most people are not explicitly biased against any one group, everyone has implicit biases. 
  3. Implicit biases are unconscious associations, assumptions, or stereotypes we make about others and the world around us without our conscious knowledge. 
  4. Implicit bias is nothing to be ashamed of, but the more we understand our own implicit biases, the more empowered we can become to mitigate these biases.
Pressure Public Officials and Hold Them Accountable
  1. Form a relationship with public officials. You can do this through existing organizations, for example. Inviting them to speak at events, hold conversations, etc.
  2. Educate community leaders about hate. Encourage them to name the problem.
  3. Demand strong public statements and stances. Pressure public officials to declare that there is no room for hate in our community.
  4. Hold leaders accountable when they fail to act. Attend rallies, community meetings, etc.
Play a game of Identity Dominoes designed by the Anti-Defamation League with family, friends, and colleagues. Materials can be found here
  1. Allows you to explore things you have in common with others as well as differences, and what can be learned from those differences.
  2. You could also use this game with students in a classroom. Appropriate for ages 10+ and adults.
Keep Eeducating Yourself and Others
Look up definitions. For example, there is a difference between a hate crime and a bias incident:
  • Hate crime 
    • A crime must happen 
    • Must be motivated by bias 
  • Bias incident 
    • Conduct, speech, or expression motivated by bias 
    • Not a specific crime
BOTH demand clear denouncement from the community and accountability for the perpetrator.

  • Join a human rights coalition or peace group to help stay connected and informed.
  • Teach acceptance. Reach out to young people - students, siblings, etc. The underpinnings of bias and hate can start early.


Flyer Forum 2: Elections

November 4th, 3:35 - 5:15pm

The polls may close on November 3rd, but many questions raised by our current election season will remain open. In this post-election Flyer Forum, we discuss the outcome of America’s electoral process and the implications for anti-racist activism.

  1. Join the TRUST Network: Early warning and peacebuilding activities
  2. Join the #ShineontheVote Campaign
  3. Help to end Gerrymandering 
  4. Salt and Light: A prayer and reflection for after the election from UD Campus Min

Forum 1: Racism as a Public Health Crisis

Wednesday, October 7th, 3:35-5:15

This Forum focuses on links between race and public health in our community. Co-sponsors with the HRC include MEC, ODI, CSC, and the Dialogue Zone. In this forum, we hope to (1) introduce this issue to UD students and colleagues; (2) provide space for dialogue on this issue; and (3) identify concrete steps participants can take to advocate for social transformation. Participants will be invited to join breakout rooms for facilitated dialogue.

Declare Racism to be a Public Health Crisis in Ohio:

While everyone is entitled to the right health, it is not realized equally by all, a fact that has been further brought to light during the COVID-19 pandemic, with Black people contracting the virus at disproportionately high rates. For these reasons, as a Center we are urging lawmakers to pass legislation officially pronouncing racism to be a public health crisis, like Dayton’s Resolution 6512-20, Ohio House Concurrent Resolution 31, and others across the country

We invite you to: 

  1. Join us in contacting your elected officials, asking them to declare racism a public health crisis;
  2. Share your advocacy efforts with us using this follow-up form
Further tools for learning and action: 

Learn more about the links between racism and public health and how to show your support for Black lives: 


Human Rights Center

Keller Hall, Room 301
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2790

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The driving force behind the Center is a diverse group of dedicated faculty, staff, and students each bringing their own expertise and knowledge to our work in the human rights arena.

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