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Goal 3 - Ecological Economics

Industrial Assessment Center Mechanical Engineering

The University of Dayton Industrial Assessment Center is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy to conduct energy assessments for small- to mid-sized manufacturers.

Building Energy Center Mechanical Engineering

The University of Dayton's Building Energy Center was founded to improve building performance and energy efficiency, educate energy efficiency engineers, and advance building energy engineering knowledge.

Green Revolving Fund

The Green Revolving Fund allows all community members to research and propose sustainability projects that will promote environmental stewardship and save the university real money, using an open application process.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

Emissions Inventory and Disclosure: Departments report data on an annual basis to Facilities Management Energy & Sustainability. They collect as much data as possible on Scope 3. Data is entered in SIMAP for GHG inventory calculations. Commuting is estimated based on past survey data. Business travel data is provided by purchasing, covering all transportation costs paid for by the university through normal procedures. Study abroad travel miles are provided by the staff managing the study abroad program. Solid waste and composting data is provided by the university's waste hauler. Wastewater data is based on the university's non-irrigation billed water consumption from the City of Dayton. Paper purchasing data is provided the purchasing department. We use all of the standard SIMAP emissions factors including for T&D losses.

STARS Gold Certification

The University of Dayton ranks in the top 3 percent of all AASHE STARS-rated schools; first in Ohio and second among all U.S. Catholic colleges and universities.

Facilities Energy Management

The energy management team oversees UD's multi-million dollar energy and utility program. More than 75% of UD's greenhouse gas emissions footprint is a result of the university's energy consumption. Over the past 10 years, the energy management team has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 20%. The energy team also works with faculty, staff, and students educating the community on energy issues and providing hands-on learning opportunities for UD students.

Divestment from Fossil Fuels

Fossil Fuels: In 2014, The University of Dayton announced it would begin divesting coal and fossil fuels from its $670 million investment pool. It is believed to be the first Catholic university in the nation to take this step. The University's divestment is planned to occur in phases. The University will initially eliminate fossil fuel holdings from its domestic equity accounts. The University then will develop plans to eliminate fossil fuel from international holdings, invest in green and sustainable technologies or holdings, and restrict future investments in private equity or hedge funds whose investments support fossil fuel or significant carbon-producing holdings.

Divest/Invest Conference

Conference: Acting on Pope Francis' Call: Divestment and Investment in Care for Our Common Home
The conference at the University of Dayton engaged Pope Francis’s call to action by convening representatives of diverse Catholic institutionsÑcolleges and universities, health care systems, social service and relief agencies, and religious ordersÑto discuss the practical implications of the Church’s teaching and of the climate crisis for institutional investment practices. Catholic institutions who have committed to divest from fossil fuels and reinvest in renewable energy solutions will be highlighted.

Hanley Sustainability Fund

Within the Hanley Trading Center, students manage the Hanley Sustainability Fund (HSF), an equity portfolio that seeks to outperform the S&P 500 Index The fund invests in companies that embrace an environmentally conscious and fossil fuel reduction business model. HSF’s investment portfolio is divided into two branches: the discretionary branch and the non-discretionary branch. HSF provides a real-world learning experience to more than 40 members that are inclusive to all undergraduate majors at the University of Dayton. The Fund meets and conducts research in the George Hanley Trading Center.