All About Mary
Encyclopedia Entries
Entries filtered by: Art → Commonly Asked Questions
- Annunciation, Location in Art
- Betrothal to Joseph, Earliest Images of
- Bodenhausen Madonna
- Civitavecchia "Weeping" Statue
- Crescent Moon: Meaning
- Cut-off Hands in Art of the Dormition
- Divine Shepherdess
- Eyes of the Guadalupe Image
- Gatta della Madonna
- Guadalupe Symbols
- Images of Mary without Jesus
- Images of Mary: Most Popular
- Inkwell as Artistic Motif
- Jephoniuas in Art of the Dormition
- Knitting in Marian Art
- Knots in Mary's Garments
- Lactation of Our Lady
- Madonna of the Street
- Mano Poderosa
- Maria Pocs
- Marriage of Mary and Joseph, Oldest Image
- Montfort, Statues by
- MRA: Meaning
- Nativity Motifs in Art, Origin
- Nikopoia Icons
- Notre Dame d'Orcival
- Nuestra Señora de la Luz Image
- Nursing Mother in Art
- Nursing Mother: Pagan and Christian
- Our Lady of Auvergne
- Our Lady of China
- Our Lady of Confidence
- Our Lady of Gentle Love
- Our Lady of Lichen
- Our Lady of Mercy Symbols
- Our Lady of Pompeii, Image of
- Our Lady of the Chair
- Our Lady of the Iceberg
- Our Lady of the Thumb
- Our Lady of Torreciudad, Image of
- Our Lady of York
- Parrot in Marian Art
- Placement of Marian Statues
- Queen of Peace, Artistic Depictions
- Queen of the Universe
- Red Clothing and Mary
- Reims Tapestry, Symbols on
- Return to Ladye Park
- Rosa Mystica Apparitions
- Santa Maria del Sacro Monte
- Santa Maria della Strada
- Schwarze Mutter Gottes
- Urakami "Bombed Mary" Statue
- Ustí nad Orlicí Painted Creches
- Veneration of Icons and Images
- Vierge Ourvante, What is
- Virgen Morena Statue
- Virgin de Regla
- Vladimir Icon Origins
- White Cord of Knots in Art
- White Madonna (Virgen blanca)