UDOLLI Registration Information
Registration Information
You can register for the UDOLLI Fall Program by online, by phone or fax. In an attempt to provide equal registration opportunities for all participants, hand deliveries/walk-in registrations and email requests will no longer be accepted. Due to the popularity of the UDOLLI program space fills quickly. Please register promptly.
Zoom instructions for virtual learning click here
Online Registration – Recommended Registration Option (Beginning Monday, August 5 at 9:00 a.m.)
Each registrant will need to have his/her own individual email address. (Payment is required at time of registration.) While there are several methods to register, the online choice is recommended.
Go to the online registration site
Phone or Fax Registration (Beginning Monday, August 12)
Call 937-229-2347 to talk with a Special Programs and Continuing Education administrative assistant or fax to 937-229-3500. If registering by telephone, you may be requested to submit the completed registration form from the seminar program (pdf) or use the reader accessibility copy.
If you receive a recorded message, please leave your name, telephone number, and selections.