
Summer 2024 Faculty-Led Programs
For marketing lecturer Lissa Cupp, leading a study abroad program and seeing her students thrive in and appreciate other cultures are some of the rewarding aspects of her job — "a dream come true."
This summer, Cupp and a few of her colleagues will bid farewell to their UD classrooms and head to their new “office” in Barcelona, Spain, for a few weeks. Of course, they won’t be alone; 40 students are expected to make the trip with them.
This trip is merely one of many faculty-led programs UD has scheduled for the summer. Students and faculty will head to Chile, Germany, Japan, among others, to partake in the valuable experience of international education.
The duration of these trips typically ranges from four to six weeks. Programs of this nature, distinct from semester or year-long programs, are increasingly popular among students. A faculty-led program enables students to step out of their comfort zone and immerse themselves in a new environment, while benefiting from the support of their peers and faculty members. In addition, it allows students to pursue education abroad while continuing their curricular and co-curricular pursuits that require them to be on campus during the academic year.
For faculty especially, Cupp highlights the ability to collaborate with colleagues and add international components to her curriculum to show students different perspectives.
There is value in being able to give students an opportunity to apply real-world experience to their course work. There is an added level of engagement when it comes to learning while abroad.
Of course, the trip is not just for learning in the classroom. Cupp recognizes that part of the experience is to immerse yourself in the country, meeting locals and going to grocery stores.
To her, it’s “an extraordinary life experience,” she “highly recommends.”
Summer 2024 FLPs:
Business in Rome with Dr. Andrea Zavakos, Dr. Chun Zhang, and Dr. Partick Thomas
- MGT 301/300: Organizational Behavior/ Survey of Organizational Behavior
- MKT 301/300: Principles of Marketing/Survey of Marketing
- ENG 372: Business and Professional Writing
Business in Spain with Prof. Lissa Cupp, Prof. Nicky Adams, and Dr. Qiping Huang
- MKT 301: Principles of Marketing
- MKT 300: Survey of Marketing
- ENG 372: Business and Professional Writing
- FIN 300: Survey of Financial Management
- FIN 301: Introduction to Financial Management
Business and History in Japan with Dr. Ting Zhang and Dr. Christopher Agnew
- FIN 301/300: Introduction to Financial Management
- HST 332. History of Modern East Asia
CAP-focused Program in Ireland with Dr. Art Jipson and Dr. Shannon Toll
- SOC 394: Popular Culture
- ENG 331: Studies in Film
- Class offered by Maynooth University
CAP/HSS-focused Program in Italy with Dr. Bobbi Sutherland, Dr. Rebecca Gonter-Dray, and Prof. Kim Ritterhoff
- HST 379: History of Food
- HSS 295: Nutrition and Health
- HSS 206: Anatomy & Physiology
CAP-focused Program in Chile (Human Rights Themed) with Dr. Tracey Jaffe and Dr. Carlos Gardeazabal Bravo
- HST 366: Religion in Latin America
- GLC 347: Performing Human Rights in Latin America
Communication/Internship in Sydney with Dr. Jee Hee Han and Dr. Kelly Vibber
- CMM 469: Special Topics: Strategic PR in Tourism
- CMM 316: Intercultural Communication
- CMM 498: Communication Internship
Engineering in Germany with Prof. Beth Hart, Prof. Sean Cahill, and Dr. Verb Washington
- EGR 499: Project Management in a Global Context
- MFG 438: Sustainable Manufacturing
- HST 342: Environmental History
French Language Immersion in France
- FRN 170: Beginning Study Abroad
- FRN 270: Intermediate Study Abroad
- FRN 370: Advanced Study Abroad
History in Spain with Dr. Miguel Gomez
- HST 310: History of Spain
Psychology in Madrid with Dr. Julie Walsh-Messinger and Marguerite Wallace
- PSY 363: Abnormal Psychology
- PSY 341: Social Psychology
Spanish Language Immersion in Spain with Dr. Francisco Penas-Bermejo
- SPN 370: Spanish Grammar through Literary Text: Legends of Segovia
- SPN 370: Culture and Art
Teacher Education in Florence with Dr. Novea McIntosh and Dr. Darden Bradshaw
- EDT 340: Educating Diverse Student Populations in Inclusive Settings
- EDT 305: Philosophy and History of Education
- EDT 406/VAE 232: Art Study for Educators/Integrating Visual Culture
For more information about FLPs, visit