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Alumni and Friends Making an Impact

Photo of Ellen Gerstner with a blue/teal filter

Ellen Gerstner ’19

It hasn’t been all that long since Ellen Gerstner ’19 graduated from UD with her bachelor of science degree in business administration, but you wouldn’t know it from the way she jumped into her job as senior operations manager at Amazon.

Based in San Diego, Gerstner spent her early days with the company learning how it operates, and how to effectively lead her team. In just three years, Gerstner moved up three levels within the company, reaching level seven, a senior-level role. Gerstner believes that knowledge is power, so from learning about the responsibilities of each job, to what motivates and fulfills her employees, Gerstner was on a mission. Now leading a department of more than 500 people at one of Amazon’s largest robotics sites, Gerstner continues to work at developing relationships with her team and continues to improve overall operational efficiency.

For Gerstner, service was a cornerstone of her time at UD, and she hasn’t stopped giving back. She created a group at Amazon called #OneInlandEmpire that oversees volunteer programs at nearly 60 Amazon locations around Southern California. Through this program, employees give back to organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Boys and Girls Club and the Childhood Cancer Foundation. She also advocates for donations to Love One International, raising money so critically ill children in Uganda have access to the health care they desperately need.

And she isn’t just finding ways to learn, lead and serve her employees. Gerstner continues to give her time and expertise to UD, connecting with business students and helping them find jobs within Amazon. She is also a member of the San Diego Alumni Community. In her free time, Gerstner spends time with family and friends exploring SoCal. And though she no longer teaches fitness classes like she did at UD, she still attends group fitness classes at studios around San Diego!

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