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Dorothy's next round (table)

Dorothy Parker left the Algonquin after a 10-year lunch

Went on a bender, came back for dinner,

determined to find a new bunch.

"Strong women writers when you are able

Come meet me under or round this new table!

Let's go on a timeless binge.

Living well's the best revenge."

Agatha Christie said,

"Yes, let's make history.

I'll be your partner in crime

You know that I'm lible to outsell the Bible;

I'm the best selling author of all time."

Mary Shelley waltzed in saying,

"Let's not fit in, we've all stood the test of time.

The beginning I say is always today.

Let's make a monster, a real Frankenstein!"

"Strong women writers when you are able

Come meet me under or round this new table!

Let's go on a timeless binge.

Living well's the best revenge."

"Quite right Dorothy," said Gertrude Stein,

"One must dare to be happy, with or without the wine!

Just like the pseudonym sisters pawned off as misters:

George's Elliot and Sand, who took off their disguises and said, "here's to surprises!"

Let's give those girls a big hand!"

"What's the soup of the day?" cried ol' dame Christie,

"Wait, don't tell me. I love a good mystery."

A river of writers poured from the Algonquin;

women too great to ignore.

Maya Angelou's voice starts to glow:

"Just like moons and like suns

With the certainty of tides

Just like hopes springing high

Still I rise."

Still, we rise.


- Ira Scott Levin

Ira Scott Levin blogs at Stream of Light, reflections spotlighting those making the world a brighter place through their dedicated benevolence and creative caring. His blog appears frequently at Thrive Global.

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