College of Arts and Sciences Newsroom

Faculty in the News: January 25, 2017
Department of political science faculty Christopher Devine and Daniel Birdsong engaged with the media about the U.S. presidential transition. See these and other highlights of recent media coverage of College of Arts and Sciences faculty research, scholarship and commentary.
"Will President Donald Trump deliver on four key promises?"
Deutsche Welle, German Broadcasting, Jan. 21, 2017
Assistant Professor Christopher Devine, department of political science.
"‘America First’ theme hit home with local supporters"
Dayton Daily News, Jan. 20, 2017
Assistant Professor Christopher Devine, department of political science.
"What to expect from President Donald Trump Part I and Part II"
ABC22/Fox45 TV, Dayton, Jan. 20, 2017
Lecturer Daniel Birdsong, department of political science.
"The first 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency"
WDTN-TV/Channel 2, Dayton, Jan. 20, 2017
Assistant Professor Christopher Devine, political science.
"Hanley Sustainability Institute teaches about renewable energy"
Dayton Daily News, Jan. 19, 2017
Associate Dean Don Pair and Professor Bob Brecha, Hanley Sustainability Institute.
"EPA requiring 50 mpg by 2025"
WHIO-TV/Channel 7, Dayton, Jan. 18, 2017
Professor Bob Brecha, Hanley Sustainability Institute.
"Successful Pilot Indicates Progress in Raising Up Latino Catholics"
The Catholic Telegraph, Jan. 17, 2017
Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation, Institute for Pastoral Initiatives.
“Taking a closer look at the Trump administration,” Part I, Part II, Part III
WHIO-TV/Channel 7, Dayton, Jan. 17, 2017
Assistant Professor Christopher Devine, political science.
"Women's march organizers hope to start movement"
Journal-News, Hamilton/Middletown, OH, Jan. 17, 2017
Assistant Professor Christopher Devine, political science.
"Jim Crow’s Lasting Impact"
The Academic Minute, Jan. 16, 2017
Assistant Professor Ruth Thompson-Miller, department of sociology, anthropology, and social work.
Salon, Jan. 16, 2017
Professor Julius Amin, department of history.
"John Kasich, still an anti-Trump holdout, faces fading influence"
CBS News, Jan. 15, 2017
Associate Professor Nancy Martorano Miller, department of political science.
Standard Speaker, Hazelton PA, Jan. 14, 2017
Assistant Professor and Human Rights Center Research Fellow Jamie Longazel, department of sociology, anthropology and social work.
“In cars, do Americans care about looks?”
Agence France Presse, Jan. 12, 2017
Professor John Heitmann, department of history.
“Hazleton moves forward as Trump stands to take office”
WOLF-TV/FOX56, Wilkes-Barre PA, Jan. 3, 2017
Assistant Professor and Human Rights Center Research Fellow Jamie Longazel, department of sociology, anthropology and social work.