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Hayden Parsons '25, Jada Gee '23 and Caroline Herling '23

Behind the Scenes

Communication student Hayden Parsons '25 captured behind the scenes footage showing UD students, faculty and staff creating a campaign video. Jada Gee '23 and Caroline Herling '23 talk about the process of developing the concept and filming scenes for the video.

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I think this experience has taught me that theatre can be a collaborative thing and we can get students here at UD involved across majors and other areas of academia. I really love the team work of the whole process.

Jada Gee '23, theatre, dance and performance technology major

Theatre for the Common Good

The Common Good Players — an applied performing arts scholarship program — lets students use their talents in theatre, dance and music to make an impact on the things that matter most.

Flyers Learn by Doing

Through hands-on learning, UD students take on real-world problems and develop solutions that build momentum and create a lasting impact.