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Student Success Network

The Student Success Network Works!
The Student Success Network is based on the idea that a campus community engaged with a student will contribute substantially to that student's success and that effective campus engagement occurs through collaborative efforts among faculty, advisors, and support offices. In addition, individual outreach to students and face-to-face conversations are critical so students know that there are people at the university who care about their success. The Student Success Network is intended to promote these important interactions. More effective support leads to increased student success, which improves student retention and graduation rates.
What is the Student Success Network?
The Student Success Network is:
  • an early warning and advising tool powered powered by Starfish EARLY ALERT(TM) and Starfish CONNECT(TM)
  • a quick and simple way for instructors to notify advisors and support offices when they have a concern about a student, enabling students to receive needed assistance in a timely and effective manner
  • a tool to improve communication among instructors, advisors, and student support offices
  • an easily accessible site where students can find information about their classes, advisors, and university support services.
How does the Student Success Network support student success?
  • enables instructors, advisors, and support offices to collaborate in delivering assistance to students in need
  • encourages the acknowledgement of good student performance with “kudos”
  • allows online appointment scheduling with instructors, advisors and support service offices
  • provides students with easy access to their contacts and a list of all support services and offices on campus
  • delivers Student Progress Checkpoint Surveys to instructors three times a semester to identify students who may need additional support

Student Success

Roesch Library
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1302