Frequently Asked Questions
In the event of an emergency, our dispatcher can be reached by calling 911 from a campus phone or by calling (937) 229-2121 from a cell phone. Non-campus phones and cell phones will reach the Montgomery County Regional Dispatch Center when dialing 911 instead of the University of Dayton dispatcher. All emergency help buttons on campus will also alert the campus dispatcher when pushed.
Non-emergency contact information can be found under the 2021-2022 Officer tab.
We are in service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the academic school year. We are not in service over the summer break, fall break, Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, and spring break.
We do honor patient requests to various area hospitals, provided that the condition of the patient does not dictate that we transport to a Level 1 Trauma Center (Miami Valley Hospital). Under normal circumstances, UD EMS transports all patients to Miami Valley Hospital, unless it is re-routing, or a patient states a request. We transport to the following hospitals:
-Miami Valley Hospital (closest hospital)
-Kettering Medical Center
-Grandview Hospital
-Dayton Children's Medical Center
-Wright Patterson Air Force Base Medical Center
No, UD EMS does not issue citations. Citations are issued by the UD Public Safety Officers on scene. This is at the officer's discretion based on the nature of the call. UD EMS does not handle disciplinary action and is not in charge of medical amnesty.
No, all UD EMS members are undergraduate students who volunteer their time. Each year, UD EMS logs over 13,000 volunteer hours in service to the UD community.
We are a branch of UD Public Safety and are funded through them. UD EMS also applies for grants every year to fund the purchase of new equipment.
A crew is generally made of three members: a crew chief and two secondary crew members, all of whom are able to provide patient care. The crew chief is the most experienced member and provides the majority of the patient care. Both of the other crew members assist in helping the crew chief complete each call efficiently and thoroughly as either a secondary crew member, who arrives to the patient with the crew chief, or as a driver who ensures the crew arrives safely and quickly to where they need to go. The driver is also responsible for assisting with supplies and performing necessary tasks as directed by the crew chief. Class members also often run with our crew, but are considered observers until they become certified.
UD EMS' EMT class and other training sessions are not open to the general public. Members of other squads may attend by prior arrangement by contacting the Training Officer.
Public Safety responds with UD EMS on every call to ensure scene safety of the crew. The officers also often assist in the extrication of patients.
Most time between calls is spent at the UD EMS house, 214 Lawnview. During this time, the crew members' first job is to ensure that they are prepared for the next call by checking to make sure all equipment has been stocked and is ready to go. We have a kitchen, television, and computers for the members to use. We also have beds so that overnight crews can get sleep between calls.
Call 911 from UD campus phones*
Call (937) 229-2121 from all other phones
*Non-campus phones and cell phones will reach the Montgomery County Regional Dispatch Center when dialing 911. Add (937) 229-2121 to your cell phone for emergency calls to University of Dayton Public Safety.