All About Mary
Encyclopedia Entries
Entries filtered by: Art → History and Analysis
- Art Exhibited in the Marian Library
- Betrothal to Joseph, Earliest Images of
- Black Madonna Bibliography
- Black Madonnas in Various Countries
- Black Madonnas: Origin, History, Controversy
- Columns as a Marian Symbol
- Crescent Moon: Meaning
- Cross-generational Reactions to Marian art
- Easter and Mary
- Fountains in Annunciation Art
- Guadalupe Symbols
- Icons Bibliography
- Images of Mary: Most Popular
- Inkwell as Artistic Motif
- Luminous Mysteries in Art
- Marian Icons Survey
- Marianist Vision and Spirit
- Miraculous Images
- Mirror of Hope
- MRA: Meaning
- Our Lady of Mercy Symbols
- Undergraduates' Psychological Reactions to Marian Art
- Veneration of Icons and Images
- Vierge Ourvante, What is
- William Joseph Chaminade Icon