Emergency Notification System
The Emergency Notification System allows us to notify the campus community in the event of imminent danger, such as severe weather or other emergencies affecting the University of Dayton community. During an emergency, authorized personnel will activate the system, transmitting a notification and instructions for community members. Community members within the vicinity of campus may also be alerted to check for an emergency notification when they hear the emergency siren sounding.
How It Works
The Emergency Notification System will only be used for two reasons. The first is in the event of an emergency. The second is for periodic system testing. Once each semester, a test message will be transmitted via the mass notification system. Once per month, the emergency siren will be tested. Tests will be announced well in advance. Test messages sent through the mass notification system will be worded appropriately to ensure all recipients are aware the message is a test.
The Emergency Notification System uses multiple contact means for students, faculty, and staff, including:
- SMS text message
- Cellular telephone numbers
- University telephone numbers
- Home telephone numbers
Enroll for Notifications
University-provided means of contact (UD email, University telephone extension, and University-owned cell phones) are automatically included in this system. In addition, we encourage you to register your personal cell phone number to enhance notification ability. When logged into the Porches community portal, UD community members can click "Menu" in the upper-right corner then the "My Account" box. Click the "My Contact Information" tab and put your cell number in the field designated for that information. Your number will then be imported into the mass notification system. Follow these links to a two-minute video and a step-by-step guide for updating your personal contact points. If you have any questions regarding the Emergency Notification System, please contact Melinda Warthman, Director, Clery Compliance and Records Coordinator.