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Campus Ministry

Modern Lazarus

By Kelly Adamson

Too often, I fear I am a Pharisee. I know what is asked of me, but too often it is only about my prayer and my relationship with God. In my comfortable life I struggle to live the good news of Jesus, to be free from excess things so that I can love all God’s people freely. I wonder how Jesus might speak to me and to us today. 

There was a rich person, dressed in the season’s fashion who ate beyond their fill each day. And lying at their border was a poor family fleeing violence and poverty. They would have gladly eaten their fill of the scraps and labored for a piece of the dream of security. When Oscar and Valeria drowned in the river, they were carried away by angels to the arms of God. And when the rich person died in excess and with a closed heart, they cried out from the netherworld… 

There was a rich person, driving their SUV for a ride whenever they felt like it who wasted money on plastic water bottles and threw them away. And knocking at their door was Greta crying out “How dare you?..people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing.” When the poor ones died of famine and flood they were taken to the arms of God. And when the rich ones died of excess, they cried out from the netherworld… 

These are some of the ways I imagine Jesus speaking the gospel message to me today. Sometimes I wonder if I’m listening and responding well enough to this gospel. 

As we reflect on today’s readings, let us pray that we have the grace to listen to the prophets who warn us against complacency and wanton revelry. May we have the courage to secure justice for the oppressed and to work for an active peace for all peoples and for our planet.  Amen.

Kelly Adamson
Director of Residence Life Ministry
Director of Campus Ministry Graduate Assistant Program


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