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Campus Ministry

The Baha’i tradition celebrates Ayyam-i-Ha or Intercalary Days

By Crystal Caruana Sullivan, Executive Director of Campus Ministry

Members of the University of Dayton community celebrate important religious holidays and cultural celebrations that span many different faith and cultural traditions. Beginning the evening of Feb 24 through Feb 28, 2021 members of the Baha’i tradition celebrate Ayyám-i-Há, or “Days of Ha,” These days are devoted to spiritual preparation for the month long fast, Alá that follows. These days are festive times in the community, characterized by hospitality, charity, service and gift-giving. They are celebrated during the four or five days before the last month of the Baha’i year (which follows a lunar calendar).  During Alá, the period of fasting, Baha’is are obligated to suspend consumption of food and water from sunrise to sunset for 19 days.  The period of fasting ends with the celebration of Naw-Ruz on Mar 20 or 21.  Members of the UD community are invited to be conscious of those fasting during this time and can refer to UD’s practices for religious accommodation for suggestions on how to support one another or ask for support.  To understand more about the Baha’i tradition, please visit  

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Lunar New Year

Members of the University of Dayton community celebrate important religious holidays and cultural celebrations that span many different faith and cultural traditions.  Lunar New Year is the celebrated in China, Vietnam, Korea, and in countries and territories with significant East Asian populations. This year, Lunar New Year is on Friday, February 12.  To our all students, staff and faculty who celebrate Lunar New Year, we wish you a happy, prosperous, and healthy new year.  Happy New Year!  Xīn nián kuài lè! 
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Reflections on Ash Wednesday 2021

Catholics begin on Ash Wednesday with the call, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return” and then continue with the Lenten Sunday Gospel cycle hearing of Jesus’ 40 day trek into the desert.
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