Inside Education and Health Sciences
UD Increases its Ranking for Graduate Programs in Education
The U.S. News 2024 rankings of Best Graduate Schools of Education have been released, and the University of Dayton increased by 19 points from the 2023 report, up to 157th. There were 453 schools evaluated.
The Best Education Schools rankings are designed for prospective students seeking a doctorate in education.
The current rankings are based on the 2022-23 academic/fiscal year.
The improvement in our 2024 ranking computation reflects the increase in doctoral degrees awarded in education, with the conferring of the Ed.D. for the first graduating class in 2022-23.
Our ranking in the number of doctoral degrees awarded increased from 66th to 18th. This metric increased without an overall increase in total faculty in education programs, impacting our faculty/doctoral degree ratio.
As another improvement reflected in our ranking, our level of research activity increased by 73%, as total SEHS education research expenditures in 2022-23 were nearly $1.4 million. We are also proud of the independent quality ratings of our local educational professionals and of education school deans, which resulted in our ranking on these measures trending up, by 32% for educational professionals' ratings, and 4% for education school deans' ratings.
Research activity and quality ratings together are weighted the highest in the U.S. News Ranking methodology, composing 25% of the overall score.